Installing OS-X Mountain Lion on HP Envy TouchSmart 15t-j000 Quadcore Notebook
I recently got the HP-Envy TouchSmart 15t-J001 notebook for my work. The first few days were spent on on installations and learning Windows 8. I must admit that Windows 8 experience was not different from my previous Windows use i.e. all the new features and layout confused me a lot, and I found this more annoying than useful. However, the more I use it, the better I’m feeling about it UI changes, and starting to love this new user interface and functions (obviously this was not a love on first sight thing).
However, once the installations were done, my next goal (due to years of using MacBook Pro) was to try to set-up OS X on this. This setup is famous by name of “Hackintosh” in the PC community. I have a past experience of setting this up, and have even run the OS-X in past on Virtual Environment (in PearPC), so though I was expecting it to be tricky to setup and install, it turned out to be more far complex and frustrating. The main reason was that, at the time of the writing, the new Intel Haswell CPU is not yet supported by OS-X natively. Plus as the other hardware (GPU, Intel Chipset, etc) are new relatively too, so there was very little success and support available in community.
The simplest option to setup Hackintosh (OS-X on PC) is probably by using UniBeast and MultiBeast. There are probably dozens of the guide available on the web for setting up OS-X using UniBeast, and I read, and recommend for old hardware, the following:
However, as I was afraid in start, this didn’t work for my machine. The installation was restarting just after loading of the kext (you can verify this by running in verbose mode). After trying various techniques and searching the web, I found following great thread for setting up Mountain Lion on HP Envy 17t-J0000 (the hardware is very similar to my model, though mine is only 15″):
The Author of the above thread has been working and configuring his machine for few months now, and he has been updating the thread with all the progress and update. He has very generously shared all his research files, and custom kext files. These have helped me a lot, and will do same to many others. Thank you gygabyte666.
Now coming to setting up Mountain Lion, the process is complex and involves lots of reading and research, especially when you get stuck at some point. First thing is setting up Installation USB. Though you can easily do this via UniBeast and some other free utilities, if you want to do this manually (if you want to see what’s going on behind automatic installer), here is some very good guide:
However, for the bootloader (Step#4 in above installation), I decided to go with Clover EFI. This was mainly because my motherboard natively supports EFI, plus I think its GUI and options are much better than Chameleon too. However, I must admit that its installation options are more complex, and requires reading a lot of content on their WiKi. For the track, and to keep story short, I used the following options (recommended by mnfseq in above InsanelyMac forum):
Once that’s is done, the next step was installing the modified Kernal (with Haswell) support, updating the config.plist for the boot options, SMBIOS, and other device properties. Again, gygabyte666 has shared all his custom files on his thread, so you can refer to that for latest update and tweaks. If you have any issues, you most probably didn’t followed some of the actions correctly and you have slightly different hardware, so need different customization. Also, remember about fixing the correct permissions when moving the Kernel and Kext files. And when you move the Kext files to System/Library/Extensions (also known as S/L/E), please sure to rebuild the cache. There are many threads on web on how to do this.
Here are few troubleshooting tips depending on my personal experience:
1) OS-X Installer Restart after loading kexts This is most probably due to the reason that either something is wrong with Install media, or kernel doesn’t support your CPU (my case). Also, if you have copied custom kernel from some other place, make sure its permissions are correct.
2) Kernel Panics during boot process (before Installation screen appears) This could literally be due to hundred of reasons. The best answer can be found once the kernal panic screen/details are shared. In my case, the issues were related to following reasons: – FakeSMC.kext was either not installed or its permissions were not correct.
– The stock AppleACPIPlatform.kext file was not working with my patched kernel. I have to downgrade (to 10.8.4 version)
Also, to avoid any kernel cache issues, I would recommend to boot with Clover “No Cache and with Kext Injection” option (press space bar to get the list while on OS-X install media) in boot screen.
3) Stuck after “DSMOS has arrived” If this happens, then most probably OS-X is having problem working with you graphics card. You can play with GraphicsInjector “yes” or “no” values, or provide details of your Device, or use patched DSDT. My issue was fixed by using the config.plist as provided by gygabyte666.
Once all the boot issues are resolved, the Installation screen should appear. You can install the OS-X and configure it as you do on your MacBook or MacBook Pro.
Note: Please be very careful if you plan to install the OS-X on a disk which have Windows partition as well. You can easily dual boot the OS-X and Windows from the same disk, and it’s even more easy if you are using GPT disk, but you must be very careful when selecting the partition on which to install OS-X. If you do something wrong here, you will lose not only Windows, but you personal files as well.
Once the installation is done, your machine will restart. You should boot again from USB, but instead of going and loading OS X installer, select the partition which on which OS-X was installed. At this point you may get same issues as during installation i.e. restart during boot, kernel panics, etc. For these fixes, I have to boot again from the USB, and then copy the kernel and kext to the installed OS-X on disk and then fix permissions.
Once that’s done, you should be able to boot with your OS-X. There are good chances that few of the devices are still not working on your OS-X. This involves going through many other threads on the web with similar hardware, trying and updating DSDT and trying the custom patched kext. With good research, and some effort, you can make most of your notebook hardware work.
If you want to go with this process, Good luck!
Here is screen of “About this Mac” of my HP Envy 15t-J0001 on OS-X Mountain Lion:
Tags: Hackintosh, HP Envy, Mountain Lion, OS X
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on Sunday, October 13th, 2013 at 5:59 am and is filed under OS X.
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Hi the image with clover setting isn’t showing
Can you write the settings in text?
I have added that image back, and have also added link back to that particular post so that you can refer that directly as well. Good luck with setup.
Regards, Akbar
can i install mac ox 10.8.5 on HP ENVY TOUCHSMART 15 NOTEBOOK PN
Sure, I think it should work fine. For more details, and help, please check following thread:
I’m using HP ENVY 15-J092nr , your all guides n references helped me.
BTW not even close , when I’m booting maverick in clover using safe mode , it restarts at
loading mach_kernel….
loading driver …….++++++++++++++++++++
goes to restart.
I’m used to make bootable usb using BootDiskUtility ,
I don’t know how to use custom kernel , remover cache or fixing kernel permission.
Your help is the only thing, now I’m expecting.
Looks like you need to use the new Kernal from the gygabyte666 (see first thread). You can access it here:
On how to use the custom kernal, and fix permissions. I would recommend that you read his post dated “Posted 04 August 2013 – 10:45 PM” in the above thread. It has very basic tutorial and steps on how to create custom boot disk with all details. I hope this helps.
Regards, Akbar
Thanks for your helpful reply.
I’ve read that post , but this tuts is only for those person who has Mac Installed already.
I’ve no working mac , so I’m unable to make bootable OS X on usb , that’s why I’m forced to use diskutility or the .raw file of osx to make bootable in PC.
I’ve tried to boot in chameleon using this cmd to load mach_kernel provided by your link(I’ve paste that mach_kernel in the root directory of USB’s chameleon) :
“mach_kernel -v -f” or “mach_kernel -v -f npci=0x2000” n more … , But none of them didn’t work.
Would you confirm me whether it can be done(bootable usb) using VMware ?
this time I’m downloading osx 10.8.4.dmg ?
Thanks again.
I had done my setup from a working OS-X machine (I had few in the office), so I don’t know what’s the best procedure to install and setup from Windows only box.
Since, I’m not expert, I can’t help you much, but I would suggest you to open a new thread at, and ask your question there. Their support community is very good, and usual respond daily.
Good luck!
Regards, Akbar
Your case is like mine
On windows i had a virtual machine with os x and with it i did everything
You can also use a program called macdrive it lets you access your usb installer from Windows and then you can copy n paste the modified mach_kernel from gygbite666 thread
Good luck
Hey Fanckush.
I’ve done the same. I used VMware n I’m using Hackintosh with some minor errors.
btw , I’m using Clover , You can also switch to Clover(EFI,USB 3)
Thank you so much for this
I have one question (till now..):
Will installing 10.9 on the same disk along side windows 8 will efect windows 8
Will i still be able to boot windows 8 normaly from chamleon bootloader?
My laptop is ho envy 15t-j000 quad edition
Thank you
Yes, you can have 10.9 and Windows 8 on same disk (on different partitions), and boot to both of these normally too. I’m doing this, and many others on the web reported this to be working well. But please please, be extra careful when doing the partition, selecting the target disk during OS-X install, and when doing Clover installation on the hard disk. Any wrong choice/action at these points, and you may loose your Windows 8 and other data. So, even though, it’s technically possible, be careful. Good luck!
Regards, Akbar
Ok thank you
i installed OS 10.9 with unibeast after changing the mach_kernel for haswell
and of course i installed chameleon, and i think i am getting problem at boot after installation caused by the intel hd 4600 (i did notice having “DSMOS has arrived”) but it didn’t freeze at hat line anyway.
my Q is do i have to use clover in order to use injection or whatever to fix this issue?
the reason i chose chameleon is because i have some experience with it and I’ve never used clover before.
if clover is the solution can you please provide a link to a tutorial :))
thank you
I have no experience of using the Chameleon, but accordingly to few other members on web, both Clover and Chameleon works fine for this machine. However, you do need correct graphics card setting for each one in the config file. I would recommend you to go through the resources attached by gygabyte66 in the following thread (first post):
And see if this help you resolve the issue. Regarding Clover, I’m not aware of any existing tutorial. However, the following screenshot shows the options I used for install, and this works fine for me:
Regards, Akbar
Okay thank you for the links
And 2 last Qs i hope
– I will use your settings for installing clover, but where do i install the bootloader clover? (should i install it on the usb drive partition that has os x installer or on another partition of the usb drive??)
– if one the same partition can i have both chamleon and clover at the same time?
Thank you and sorry for newbie questions
Regarding Clover install question, If you are building USB Installer, then it should be installed on USB drive. If you are able to install this on Hard Disk, then select the OS-X installed partition as target drive.
I don’t think you can have both Clover or Chamleon (will have to choose one), but I could be wrong as I’m not expert in that area.
Regards, Akbar
ok thx, i will start playing around with it and i’ll search for the 4600 injection tutorial and …etc
i will post results as soon as possible
Can you please upload your dsdt file and config.plist file for clover
I am having problems with dsmos has arrived and i assume that you were able to inject intel hd 4600
Thank you
I got it working with chamleon with bootflag IntelAzulFB=11 this thing fixed my DSMOS has arrived
Now i started with searching for drivers..efc
Thank you for helping me
I’m glad that you were able to make it work with Chameleon too. BTW, the DST and configuration for the Clover can be found from following thread:
Regards, Akbar
i got most of the things working but not with my DSDT i used the one from Gygabite666 i know it is wrong but i didnt manage to do one for my laptop
do have a DSDT and if yes would mind uploading it somewhere because our laptops are very close and it would be much appreciated
thank you
Guess what I’m using the DSDT of the Gygabite666 as well, and no issue so far. I don’t have that time to learn and edit these DSDT myself. If you create a new one for you, please feel free to share it.
Regards, Akbar
great, t is still wrong to use others DSDT and i am not sure if sleep is working for you…
anyways there is this blog/site
read the #1 post and you will now what to do they are amazing and i git my DSDT patched there, go to page 111 and find my post (my username is fanckush)
then i aplied some simple patches to make appleHDA work, i used rehabman patch
for audio layout 12 and i got HDA working
sleep works and the rest i am working on it
if you have anything new please share :))
Thanks for sharing the tips and post link. I will explore that, and will let you know how it goes.
BTW, my next plan is to try to upgrade and test it wit Maverick. I will update the post on its outcome too when I do that.
Regards, Akbar
I already have mavrickes working from the beginning check my video
UPDATE: EVERYTHING is working exepct
1 wifi (will replace the card)
2 card reader
3 pingerpront scanner
4 nvidia
5 all speakers + subwoofer (i only have two speakers working)
Plus i am running chamleon bootloader but i want to switch to clover..
What i can fix (hopefully) from the list above is 1 and 5, as for the rest it is almost impossible
How much do you get score with Geekbench 2 in 64bit mode?
I got about 11900 how about you
i make osx 10.8.5 install usb with clover efi.(follow your blog post)
And usb booting..and select os x install..
and i see apple mark 2~3second..
and reboot..go windows 8
what problem? . help.. i am hackintosh beginner..
The issue you have mentioned could be due to various reasons. I would suggest to try to boot into verbose mode and see where it reboots. May be it’s some kernel permission issue or something like that. I’m not expert in all this, so you may have to check various online forums for the problem. The first one I recommend, if not already explored is:
Then there are multiple forums and topics on the for each issue. You may explore them based on the issue you are having.
Regards, Akbar
Access to safe mode os x install do you I was able to see the screen.
However, when I select the disk utility, usb partition except for my HDD particion could not see.
Set your laptop HDD particion can tell?
Thank you for all your help
If you formatted the OS-X drive correctly, may be you all you need to do is access the HDD in Read/Write mode. You can do this by typing following command:
mount –uw /
For further details, see this thread:
Regards, Akbar
I have this exact model of laptop currently running 10.9 Mavericks in VMWare Player6. If Akbar doesn’t mind I will post a link for anyone interested. If it is too off topic feel free to delete this reply.
Sure, please go ahead and share the info you have. Being able to run 10.9 on this laptop seems like an interesting development.
Mavicks VMWare image and guide-
Yes it is 10.8.5. Yes the install was successful. My problem is, when I boot from the USB and choose the ML hdd it loads kexts the instant reboot. Thanks for getting back with me.
I think I know the issue. What you need to do is, boot from USB, and then launch Terminal instead of starting Installer. Now copy the mac_kernel from the USB root to the HDD ML Root. Fix the kernel permissions. You will also have to copy the custom kext files to S/L/E folder, and then fix permission and rebuild the cache. There are couple of tutorials on how to this on Web. Once that’s done, try to boot again from the HDD, and hopefully it will work.
Good luck.
Ok thx for all your help. I finally got it to boot but it’s in safe mode, and the graphics are really slow. I did go to about this Mac and it does show my hd4600. Can you tell me how to fix this? Thanks again!
The graphics are not most probably not working because you are running in Safe (I think). If you try to boot in without safe mode, where does it stop/crash? May be that’s what you need to fix next.
It stops at “[iobluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService”. But in safe mode the Bluetooth menu comes up by itself searching for a device.
It stops at,
“[iobluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][ConfigurePM]–Error– waited30 sec”…
“[iobluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService”. But in safe mode the Bluetooth menu comes up by itself searching for a device.
Thx again!
Did you tried to boot with Clover “With Kext Injection and Without Cache” option (get spacebar while at the boot menu to get this). This is what worked for me in the initial boot. Then try to instlal the Kext using the Kext Utility and see how it goes.
Regards, Akbar
Yes I did. It reboots as soon as the kexts load. I can only boot into safe mode.
Thanks again!
I got it all I did was delete all the ATI and Gforce kexts. Thanks for all your help!
Mine will install but won’t boot into OS X hdd. I’m using clover with all files from gygabyte666 without any ssdt added. Any help would be appreciated.
I have the same lappy as gygabyte666 I think…
You are using Snow Leopard 10.8.5? Also, you mean that the OS-X installation was successful, but now you can’t boot from the hard disk? If yes, did you tried to boot from the USB, and then tried selecting the OS-X from SD from the Clover boot screen instead of starting Installer. Does this works?
If yes, the next step would be to try to install the Clover to hard disk after booting into OS-X. You have to be very careful in selecting the boot sector, as if something goes wrong here, you may end up having problem booting Windows 8 as well.
Regards, Akbara
Yes it is 10.8.5. Yes the install was successful. My problem is, when I boot from the USB and choose the ML hdd it loads kexts the instant reboot. Thanks for getting back with me.
Sorry for the double post.^^^