Akbar on Development
Attaining the Impossibles
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  • Jack Sparrow Compass
  • Subtitles Translator
  • USB Disk Manager
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  • TaskbarExt
  • Quick Chess
  • Basecamp Extension
  • Language Tools
  • Rapid Downloader

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Feedback & Comments

319 Responses

  1. Kirtan

    Pls Akbar Sir, I Want to Subtitle Converter : Hindi to English – But till now not working now. so pls help me…

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    • admin

      Sorry for the trouble! Can you please explain exactly what part of the translation process is not working? Is it the file-upload, translation, or file download after translation? If it’s the translation part which is failing, I would appreciate if you can describe any errors or issues you got, so that I can isolate and fix the problem.

      Regards, Akbar

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  2. lucy

    You’re amazing. I love your work! Thanks for doing this. It’s very useful.

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  3. Oliver

    It often doesn’t work and most files won’t load. I try to upload srt files but it says: Subtitle file parsing failed with message: Invalid time format at line#: 2 1

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    • admin

      Sorry for the trouble. From the error message, it appears that this is not a valid.SRT file format. Can you please share the first few lines of the file here for further debugging and confirmation?

      Regards, Akbar

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  4. Nikita

    Hi Akbar. You have very cool programs. Could you add subtitle translation to Ukrainian in DeepL translator? I will be very grateful to you

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    • admin

      Thanks for the feedback Nikita. I have now enabled support for the Ukrainian in DeepL translator. Please either clear your browser cache or open the website in Incognito mode to fetch the latest changes.

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. Nicolae

    saluut…nu mai imi apare dupa ce dau save, fisierul tradus jos in stanga. ce sa fac ?

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    • admin

      Do you mean you can’t see the downloaded file? If yes, can you please check in your browser download folder and see if it’s there?

      Regards, Akbar

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  6. Jeffery

    Hello I’m still waiting for my confirmation link email to get my file #2B2814114L3309717

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    • admin

      Hi Jeffery,

      Sorry for the trouble. It looks like your payment for the paid translation failed, and thus it was not processed. This is most probably a problem with some credit card payments, which are rejected by the PayPal server. If possible, please try using the PayPal Account instead for the payments.

      PS. You were not charged against your card, so any charged amount will be auto returned back to your bank/card by PayPal. If this is not the case, please do let me know.

      Regards, Akbar

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  7. Robert

    Hi Akbar, I tried your translator with DeepL. It actually translated the same way like if I paste a srt file into DeepL input form and get the output. Subtitle documents in srt format are actually hard-wrapped plain text with time codes. DeepL doesn’t translate sentences divided by new lines well, it considers the individual lines to be separate sentences. If we want to get the best result, the text of the subtitles should be shrinked first (new lines removed), then translated, then divided by new lines again. This is not that easy like just pushing the whole text through DeepL API and showing the result, but it would be a really added value worthy of payment.

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    • admin

      Hi Robert,

      Thanks for trying this out, and for your feedback. I fully agree with you regarding the translation quality issues with line breaks, which is already on my to-do list to improve. However, as you appreciate, splitting the sentences back at the right spot to match the timing in the translated text is not that easy, and in most cases requires will require a custom processor which is different per target language. However, I will experiment with this idea and will see what kind of results I get.

      Regards, Akbar

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      • Robert

        Maybe line breaks after a certain number of characters per line would be good enough. The output translation usually needs manual check and correction anyway, so a user can still polish it to perfection.

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        • admin

          Right, that may work in most cases. Except sometimes this may cause the sentences to go out of sync with the video, and it may not be obvious when only editing the subtitle (without looking at the video itself). But I will see if I can make this optional choice to give the option to the users where it can help in most of the cases.

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  8. Jorgend

    Hi, this page has stopped working. Noting happens after uploading a file.
    I have used this tool many times before but now it´s dead, I have tried in both Firefox (as i normally use) in Microsoft Edge and in Google Chrome, and both with and without browser add-ons, and i have tried both normal and in Incognito mode but nothing of it make any difference

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  9. Sam

    Hi and thank you for a great page! The subtitles translator doesn’t work properly for me since a couple of days. I drop files (or click and add them) but nothing happens after that. I have tried several subtitle files and they all have the same problem. Is this a known error?

    | Reply
    • admin

      Sorry for the trouble Sam. Could this be related to your recent browser or plug-in updates? From the description, it looks like something is blocking initialising of the translator components. Could you try any other browser, or run into Incognito mode (which blocks most of the extensions) and see how it goes?

      Regards, Akbar

      | Reply
      • Sam

        I used Chrome. I have now tried Chrome incognito mode and Edge. Still the same problem. When I drag and drop the subtitle file the name of the file is visible in the window (see link), but then nothing more happens. https://flic.kr/p/2nD8UPp

        | Reply
        • admin

          Thanks Sam for the screenshot. This one is indeed in weird state where it seems to be running into some browser issue when uploading file. Would it be possible for you to look at the console messages and share any errors you see. More details about how you can access the Console log in Chrome can be found here:

          Regards, Akbar

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          • Sam

            I don’t know what you (or I) did, but now it works again! =)

          • admin

            Thanks, Sam for getting back to me. One of the users help me diagnose the issue, and I think that particular problem is now fixed.

            Regards, Akbar

  10. Lasse

    Hi, this page has stopped working. Noting happens after uploading a file.
    I have used this tool many times before but now it´s dead 🙁

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    • admin

      Sorry for the trouble. I can’t seem to reproduce this issue. As I suggested above, Could you try any other browser, or run into Incognito mode (which blocks most of the extensions) and see how it goes? Once I know what’s blocking/breaking this, I can look into fixing this more appropriately.

      Regards, Akbar

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  11. Hashim ALsalami

    I try to use DeepL translator for text but I message received error as below:

    Error: Translation doesn’t seem to be working correctly. Is the source and translation language pair valid and supported by DeepL? Please report this issue if you think it is a server problem
    I will be shortly looking into this. If this is a server problem, your money will be refunded in next 1-2 days. If it’s not, please contact me ASAP. In case of any further questions or queries, please feel free to contact me and mention your order#0MA69821AS391482E

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    • admin

      Hi Hasim,

      Sorry for the trouble. The DeepL translator only supports a subset of language pairs, so it’s possible that the language pair you have selected is not support. Can you please let me know the source language of subtitles in your case? There is also a “Free” model available for paid translators, and you can first try that to see if the translation works and quality is acceptable. I hope this helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  12. Arif

    Thank you so much for your great work. You are amazing

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  13. Ricardo

    Excelente el traductor de subtitulos.
    Encontre que el archivo procesado se baja luego de Save as, pero al querer ingresar uno mas para traducir
    aparece un aviso que el archivo no se guardo y pide confirmar o cancelar.
    Si se bajo el archivo, porque aparece este aviso ?
    Hay algunos subtitulos que el original esta en mayusculas, sera posible que al traducirlo lo ponga en minusculas ?

    | Reply
    • admin

      Thanks for the feedback.

      Regarding the warning after Save-As, looks like the flag is not being cleared/updated in some browsers. What browser you are using? Do you click on the New button to translate another file, or re-load the page? I would suggest using the New button and see if that helps.

      And regarding your question about changing the case of some words after translation, I think you can use the Find/Replace feature after the translation to change the case of these files. This is a manual step, but as it works on all translated subtitles rows, hopefully, you can do this quickly. You can also use multiple words in a single dialog to do this in bulk. I hope you find this of help.

      Regards, Akbar

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  14. mpampis

    Pliase update the site : Online Subtitle Translator & Editor to use https. Now it use http.

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  15. Gerold Seiler

    Hello! I tried to translate greek subtitles into German. After finishing I saved all by downloading. After opening the downloaded translation I saw that the program changed the original text from Greek also into German. So I do not have anymore the original subtitles to compare etc.! Thanks for helping.

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    • admin

      I assume you were using single file translation. Please note that when downloading the file, it by default appends the target language as a suffix to the download file name. However, if you have optionally turned that off, and during download accepted the dialogue to overwrite the original file, I think your original file is lost. Sorry for the trouble, but at this time, best I can suggest is to try to not keep subtitle files in the Download or Desktop folder, or you risk losing original files this way.

      Regards, Akbar

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  16. Abdalla Elsayed

    Hello, the SRT translator is fantastic; however, could you please include Bing translator because it is superior to Google, supports all languages, and is completely free?

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    • admin

      Thanks for the feedback. I previously had that on my website, but then Microsoft decided to remove the free widget translator. Now the only translator option available from Microsoft is Azure Translator APIs. Which are also supported on my website, but are unfortunately not free.

      Regards, Akbar

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  17. Mario

    This is so much help! THANK YOU !!

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  18. Bill

    The SRT translator is great, but all the languages in the pop-up are written in Thai. I don’t read Thai. How can the pop-up have the languages listed in English (or perhaps each one shown in its own language)?

    | Reply
    • admin

      I think Google translator has recently been doing this for a few regions. I have tried to fix this now. Can you please try this again when convenient and see how it goes?

      Regards, Akbar

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  19. Vic

    Hi I tried to translate into tongan and put in my credit cards details. it said declined and would not let me progress but the payment is pending on my account. What should I do now?

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    • admin

      Hi, thanks for reporting this back to me, and sorry for the trouble. Normally, any payment declines are directly from the PayPal and I don’t even get the amount in my account in that case. I still don’t know what triggers the decline and if there is some workaround to avoid that. But any of pending flag on your payment will be cleared automatically, and you will not be charged for any of the amount. But this may take 1-2 days.

      In case you still get charged, or it doesn’t clear after few days, I guess you can report this to the PayPal support. Sorry again for the trouble, but this is not something in my control.


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  20. Tom

    Hello Admin Akbar
    I am in the UK and have been using this excellent program for a long time – however today it does not allow me to translate in English using the Google option (there is no English option anymore).

    Can this be resolved?

    Are you able to allow translation into English anymore?

    | Reply
    • admin

      Hi Tom, thanks for reporting this to me. I was trying to isolate and fix another issue (where the translator language selection itself gets translated), but then inadvertently broke this English language selection. I think I have fixed this now. Just clear your browser cache to get the latest changes.

      Regards, Akbar

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      • Unknown

        i want to translate a file but i’m having a problem. I had this subtitle file but it wasn’t an srt file so i had to convert it. So i converted it and i uploaded it to translate but whenever i try to upload it it says that this file is not supported. I really don’t understand because i converted it. Could you help me please?

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        • admin

          Most probably something went wrong with the conversion process. When it fails, the error message also contains the line where the parsing failed. Can you please post the full error message here? Or you can also email me the file for further debugging.

          Regards, Akbar

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