00:05:48,240 –> 00:05:52,760
(font color=”#ffff00″)- Hai preso le medicine ?(/font)
(font color=”#00ff00″)- Sì, le ho prese.(/font)(font color=”#ffff00″) – Andiamo .(/font)
Thanks for the feedback and sharing the issue with details. I assume you are using Google translator? If yes, I can’t seem to reproduce this issue in quick try. Would it be possible for you to email me (address at bottom of the page) the top of subtitles file for further investigation?
Hello and thanks for the fantastic work. I have issues with COLOR subtitles we use in Italy.
Some of the subtitles, some with single line, some with double line are not translated and
just copied to the new subtile in the original language (italian).
Translation would be from Italian to Finnish. I report 5 lines
00:05:42,240 –> 00:05:44,440
En pidä myöhästymisestä.
00:05:44,480 –> 00:05:48,200
Joskus mietin, minne
tyttäreni, aito, on kadonnut.
00:05:48,240 –> 00:05:52,760
– Hai preso le medicine ?
– Sì, le ho prese. – Andiamo .
00:05:52,800 –> 00:05:55,840
Di qua, giusto ?
00:05:55,880 –> 00:05:59,160
– Kuinka ikävöin Torinoa!
– Etkö ollut onnellinen Pariisissa?
00:05:59,200 –> 00:06:01,680
Kyllä, tietysti, mutta kotimme on täällä.
In this example subtitle 51 and 52 are still in Italian language
I hope you solve this bug. Thank you.
When using Google Translate (Single or bulk translation) the % jumps to 99% fairly quickly, and remains there until full translation is done. The text to translate is no longer scrolling through the window, as it did before. With this you have no idea how long the translation(s) will take. When doing bulk translation, the only indication it is moving forward is jumping from 1of3 to 2of3 and 3of3. Eventually the save button is activated and the text is translated as expected.
Running the translation on all latest browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.), all have the same issue.
Please fix the running status of the translation.
Thanks for the feedback. Please note that with recent optimisations, I’m no longer linearly translating rows during translations i.e. as multiple rows are now translated in the parallel – thus it doesn’t make much sense in scrolling the page as rows may be translated out of the linear order.
That said, I was able to reproduce that translation getting stuck at 99% at and have fixed that too – plus with even more optimisation of the translation speed. Please try this again after clearing your browser cache. If still run into any issues, please let me know.
If you are using Google translator, you don’t have to pay anything. It’s totally free. For the DeepL and OpenAI, you have to pay for translation (as their translation API is not free). You can read more about this here: https://blog.syedgakbar.com/2021/01/01/deepl-subtitles-translation/
Maube you need make a paid version of Google translate, that can be faster then free ? I would pay for this function if translation to 30 languages was 30 sec in paid version , because now its take 5-10 minutes
Okay, I will think about supporting paid Google Translation API. But I have recently applied some really good optimisation for the Google Free translator too, which I don’t think are that easy to beat even with the paid API option. Please note that the main delay in the translation process is the API call to the translator, which uses an AI engine/model to translate the text. So unless we do some crazy parallelisation of work (which though possible might not be feasible with my current hosting provider), this is best I think I can offer at the moment.
Just for comparison, you can try the paid DeepL or Microsoft translators on my website and see if you like the throughput and/or quality?
Hello! Maybe you must sell packs with 10 or 20 or 30 or 50 threads by extra prices, i see now its 5 threads i think. Maybe a dedicated server pack, to translate in 100 threads almost instantly, but i think it’s difficult to build in code. Great work btw , i like it )
As you may have figured out already, implementing more threads will definitely require high-end server with more power and thus will require me to upgrade my hosting plan. It’s probably time to do that anyway, so this is definitely in my to-do list to move to dedicated high end node for hosting my website.
Another important limitation is that OpenAI also impose a limits of a request from a single source it allows per minute. Again, this can be worked around if I purchase multiple API accounts and build a multiple node cluster. All of this is quite possible, but not sure the demand is there yet 🙂
Thanks for reporting this to me. It looks like I broke this when trying to optimise the Google translator speed. The good news is that this issue is now resolved and you should also notice faster translations for Google and Yandex options.
Hi Akbar! Is there a consensus on which Translation tool is best – Google, Yandex, DeepL, Microsoft, or OpenAI GPT? I have a number of small (1-5minute) videos I need to translate to German, French, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, Spanish, Slovak, and Czech. Hoping there was direction on which would be the best tool to start with?
It’s unfortunately not a simple answer. It highly depends on the translation language pair. The short answer is to try it yourself using the Free/Demo mode.
I have now added a FAQ section explaining this in a bit more details.
Hello Akbar–thanks for your admirable work. We have a problem, because our longer files are not translating through to the end but are remaining in English. Todays’s one was 1:48:46 and it stopped translating at 1:18:35. Two days ago, it was stopping at around 1:07. Any suggestions?
Thanks for reporting the issue Donald! I think I have now isolated and fixed the problem. Please give this a try and let me know if you still experience any problems.
BTW, I applied some more optimisations on Google translator, so you should hopefully get results faster now.
Hello. Not a big deal but I thought you’d like to know that the last couple times I translated an SRT file from English to Vietnamese using Google the last dozen or so lines didn’t translate even after manually scrolling through the file a second time even though I received the green text message “Great news! All subtitles translated successfully!”
Thank you so much for pointing this out. I think this was a problem with some large files. The good news is that I was able to isolate and fix the problem. Also, with that I have now substantially improved the translation performance for Google and Yandex translators. Thanks again!
Hi, I used this fantastic service a couple of times before, but today it does not work. I first downloaded the automatic subtitle file from Youtube and uploaded it here as always. However, this time I get an error, like invalid file or so. I checked and yes, it looks like this site does not support sbv files. Cannot remember whether my earlier ones were also sbv and Youtube switched to a different format. Anyway, I then went to a website in order to convert the sbv to srt, it was done in a second, then came back here, uploaded it and got just the same error as before. Now, I am going to convert my file to other formats and try again. No idea, what has happened, translating my subtitles used to work flawlessly, but now I am afraid of all the work ahead, which will take hours… I hope this will work again soon, it was such a great help!
Thank you for your feedback and sorry for the trouble. A standard SBV file should be supported and in my quick test it seems to be working as expected. I just downloaded a subtitle file from Youtube and then try to upload it and it seems to work. May be it’s the content of your file – but I don’t think it should make a difference.
Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of your subtitle file for debugging?
hi. 1, i add 5 files English translate to Vietnamese. 2, then i click Merge Translation each files. 3,when i ‘save as’ each file, it have both source and translated text. But when i ‘save all’ files, it just have 2 source text, don’t have translate text.
Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to reproduce this issue in my try. Can you reproduce this consistently? What browser and translator you are using?
Hi Akbar – we started using Whisper to auto generate SRTs and now when you translate ( in this case English to Afrikaans) it only translate 3/4 of the document? How do I fix this issue?
Are you using Google Translate? If yes, can you please try manually scrolling through subtitles lines to see if the remaining half gets translated? If not, there are chances that you have hit some limit from Google Widget. Try running this incognito or try using Yandex.
Hello. I am trying to translate English subtitles to Turkish and have some trouble. The format is .srt and for some reason it gives error when I upload multiple files. I am using Yandex to translate it. Let me know if this is a known issue or I am the only one with it. Can you please provide a solution for this. The estimated remaining time is increasing and eventhough it shows nearly finished it shows like 10-15 minutes for a really small file size such as 10 kib. Thanks!
Sorry for the trouble Jous! Do you get any particular error message or it just slowly degrades in the performance where it starts taking very long for the translation? If you get an error, can you please share the error message please.
Regarding the gradual slowness or decrease in performance, I don’t think it’s must under my control. Most of the time free translation widget providers like Google or Yandex, implement some filtering on their service to avoid excessive use/misuse of their service. So if you try to translate multiple files, it may get slow as they try to limit the overall translations coming from your machine. I think in that case you can either close your browser window and start one and see if that helps.
Sorry for the trouble Pandrea. If I get this right, you are trying to top-up Balance using PayPal credit card option? If yes, then I have noticed that certain Credit/Debit Cards don’t work on the PayPal (nothing on my end to control that). What have worked in past for some people is that you can link you card to the PayPal account, and first load Balance in your PayPal account using that card. The you can top-up balance on my website using that PayPal account balance. Hope that works.
PS. I have now also enabled support for crypto payments. So that’s also an option if you have access to crypto-currency.
Is there an option to restore sessions when needed? I do download files when I translate them to Vietnamese but the next day when I upload it, the Vietnamese characters all returned errors (seems like an encoding problem for Vietnamese characters).
Thanks for reporting this issue. Yeah, there was definitely some encoding issues with the saved files. This issue is hopefully now fixed, and any downloaded files should now contain the correct text encoding.
Sorry the previous comment had the color mangled. I write it again changing the angled
parenthesis to simple parenthesis()
00:05:42,240 –> 00:05:44,440
(font color=”#ffff00″)En pidä myöhästymisestä.(/font)
00:05:44,480 –> 00:05:48,200
(font color=”#00ff00″)Joskus mietin, minne(/font)
(font color=”#00ff00″)tyttäreni, aito, on kadonnut.(/font)
00:05:48,240 –> 00:05:52,760
(font color=”#ffff00″)- Hai preso le medicine ?(/font)
(font color=”#00ff00″)- Sì, le ho prese.(/font)(font color=”#ffff00″) – Andiamo .(/font)
00:05:52,800 –> 00:05:55,840
(font color=”#ffff00″)Di qua, giusto ?(/font)
00:05:55,880 –> 00:05:59,160
(font color=”#ffff00″)- Kuinka ikävöin Torinoa!(/font)
(font color=”#00ff00″)- Etkö ollut onnellinen Pariisissa?(/font)
00:05:59,200 –> 00:06:01,680
(font color=”#ffff00″)Kyllä, tietysti, mutta kotimme on täällä.(/font)
I hope you can see the font-color this time
Thanks for the feedback and sharing the issue with details. I assume you are using Google translator? If yes, I can’t seem to reproduce this issue in quick try. Would it be possible for you to email me (address at bottom of the page) the top of subtitles file for further investigation?
Regards, Akbar
Hello and thanks for the fantastic work. I have issues with COLOR subtitles we use in Italy.
Some of the subtitles, some with single line, some with double line are not translated and
just copied to the new subtile in the original language (italian).
Translation would be from Italian to Finnish. I report 5 lines
00:05:42,240 –> 00:05:44,440
En pidä myöhästymisestä.
00:05:44,480 –> 00:05:48,200
Joskus mietin, minne
tyttäreni, aito, on kadonnut.
00:05:48,240 –> 00:05:52,760
– Hai preso le medicine ?
– Sì, le ho prese. – Andiamo .
00:05:52,800 –> 00:05:55,840
Di qua, giusto ?
00:05:55,880 –> 00:05:59,160
– Kuinka ikävöin Torinoa!
– Etkö ollut onnellinen Pariisissa?
00:05:59,200 –> 00:06:01,680
Kyllä, tietysti, mutta kotimme on täällä.
In this example subtitle 51 and 52 are still in Italian language
I hope you solve this bug. Thank you.
When using Google Translate (Single or bulk translation) the % jumps to 99% fairly quickly, and remains there until full translation is done. The text to translate is no longer scrolling through the window, as it did before. With this you have no idea how long the translation(s) will take. When doing bulk translation, the only indication it is moving forward is jumping from 1of3 to 2of3 and 3of3. Eventually the save button is activated and the text is translated as expected.
Running the translation on all latest browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.), all have the same issue.
Please fix the running status of the translation.
Thanks for the feedback. Please note that with recent optimisations, I’m no longer linearly translating rows during translations i.e. as multiple rows are now translated in the parallel – thus it doesn’t make much sense in scrolling the page as rows may be translated out of the linear order.
That said, I was able to reproduce that translation getting stuck at 99% at and have fixed that too – plus with even more optimisation of the translation speed. Please try this again after clearing your browser cache. If still run into any issues, please let me know.
Regards, Akbar
Hi. Where i can look at translation prices ? And for what i need to pay ?
If you are using Google translator, you don’t have to pay anything. It’s totally free. For the DeepL and OpenAI, you have to pay for translation (as their translation API is not free). You can read more about this here:
Regards, Akbar
Maube you need make a paid version of Google translate, that can be faster then free ? I would pay for this function if translation to 30 languages was 30 sec in paid version , because now its take 5-10 minutes
Okay, I will think about supporting paid Google Translation API. But I have recently applied some really good optimisation for the Google Free translator too, which I don’t think are that easy to beat even with the paid API option. Please note that the main delay in the translation process is the API call to the translator, which uses an AI engine/model to translate the text. So unless we do some crazy parallelisation of work (which though possible might not be feasible with my current hosting provider), this is best I think I can offer at the moment.
Just for comparison, you can try the paid DeepL or Microsoft translators on my website and see if you like the throughput and/or quality?
Regards, Akbar
Hello! Maybe you must sell packs with 10 or 20 or 30 or 50 threads by extra prices, i see now its 5 threads i think. Maybe a dedicated server pack, to translate in 100 threads almost instantly, but i think it’s difficult to build in code. Great work btw , i like it )
You are right. Clever detective work Kim!
As you may have figured out already, implementing more threads will definitely require high-end server with more power and thus will require me to upgrade my hosting plan. It’s probably time to do that anyway, so this is definitely in my to-do list to move to dedicated high end node for hosting my website.
Another important limitation is that OpenAI also impose a limits of a request from a single source it allows per minute. Again, this can be worked around if I purchase multiple API accounts and build a multiple node cluster. All of this is quite possible, but not sure the demand is there yet 🙂
Regards, Akbar
now not working at all
Sorry for the inconvenience. Is it the Google translator which is not working? Do you get any particular error?
Regards, Akbar
There’s no Filipino language in Chat-GPT section🙁
Please update
Can you please try to clear your browser cache or open the browser in Incognito mode to make sure you are not fetching cached data.
Regards, Akbar
It is not translated in bulk!
It only translates the first subtitle, the others are the same.
Can you check?
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for reporting this to me. It looks like I broke this when trying to optimise the Google translator speed. The good news is that this issue is now resolved and you should also notice faster translations for Google and Yandex options.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Regards, Akbar
Hi Akbar! Is there a consensus on which Translation tool is best – Google, Yandex, DeepL, Microsoft, or OpenAI GPT? I have a number of small (1-5minute) videos I need to translate to German, French, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, Spanish, Slovak, and Czech. Hoping there was direction on which would be the best tool to start with?
Hi Edward,
It’s unfortunately not a simple answer. It highly depends on the translation language pair. The short answer is to try it yourself using the Free/Demo mode.
I have now added a FAQ section explaining this in a bit more details.
Regards, Akbar
Hello Akbar–thanks for your admirable work. We have a problem, because our longer files are not translating through to the end but are remaining in English. Todays’s one was 1:48:46 and it stopped translating at 1:18:35. Two days ago, it was stopping at around 1:07. Any suggestions?
Thanks for reporting the issue Donald! I think I have now isolated and fixed the problem. Please give this a try and let me know if you still experience any problems.
BTW, I applied some more optimisations on Google translator, so you should hopefully get results faster now.
Regards, Akbar
Can you put Filipino Language in chatgpt section?
Sure, I have now enabled the support for Filipino language in ChatGPT translator.
Regards, Akbar
Hello. Not a big deal but I thought you’d like to know that the last couple times I translated an SRT file from English to Vietnamese using Google the last dozen or so lines didn’t translate even after manually scrolling through the file a second time even though I received the green text message “Great news! All subtitles translated successfully!”
Hi GD,
Thank you so much for pointing this out. I think this was a problem with some large files. The good news is that I was able to isolate and fix the problem. Also, with that I have now substantially improved the translation performance for Google and Yandex translators. Thanks again!
Regards, Akbar
Hi, I used this fantastic service a couple of times before, but today it does not work. I first downloaded the automatic subtitle file from Youtube and uploaded it here as always. However, this time I get an error, like invalid file or so. I checked and yes, it looks like this site does not support sbv files. Cannot remember whether my earlier ones were also sbv and Youtube switched to a different format. Anyway, I then went to a website in order to convert the sbv to srt, it was done in a second, then came back here, uploaded it and got just the same error as before. Now, I am going to convert my file to other formats and try again. No idea, what has happened, translating my subtitles used to work flawlessly, but now I am afraid of all the work ahead, which will take hours… I hope this will work again soon, it was such a great help!
Hi Dirk,
Thank you for your feedback and sorry for the trouble. A standard SBV file should be supported and in my quick test it seems to be working as expected. I just downloaded a subtitle file from Youtube and then try to upload it and it seems to work. May be it’s the content of your file – but I don’t think it should make a difference.
Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of your subtitle file for debugging?
Regards, Akbar
hi. 1, i add 5 files English translate to Vietnamese. 2, then i click Merge Translation each files. 3,when i ‘save as’ each file, it have both source and translated text. But when i ‘save all’ files, it just have 2 source text, don’t have translate text.
Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to reproduce this issue in my try. Can you reproduce this consistently? What browser and translator you are using?
Regards, Akbar
Hi Akbar – we started using Whisper to auto generate SRTs and now when you translate ( in this case English to Afrikaans) it only translate 3/4 of the document? How do I fix this issue?
Are you using Google Translate? If yes, can you please try manually scrolling through subtitles lines to see if the remaining half gets translated? If not, there are chances that you have hit some limit from Google Widget. Try running this incognito or try using Yandex.
Regards, Akbar
Thank You Akbar – Yandex worked.
Hello. I am trying to translate English subtitles to Turkish and have some trouble. The format is .srt and for some reason it gives error when I upload multiple files. I am using Yandex to translate it. Let me know if this is a known issue or I am the only one with it. Can you please provide a solution for this. The estimated remaining time is increasing and eventhough it shows nearly finished it shows like 10-15 minutes for a really small file size such as 10 kib. Thanks!
Sorry for the trouble Jous! Do you get any particular error message or it just slowly degrades in the performance where it starts taking very long for the translation? If you get an error, can you please share the error message please.
Regarding the gradual slowness or decrease in performance, I don’t think it’s must under my control. Most of the time free translation widget providers like Google or Yandex, implement some filtering on their service to avoid excessive use/misuse of their service. So if you try to translate multiple files, it may get slow as they try to limit the overall translations coming from your machine. I think in that case you can either close your browser window and start one and see if that helps.
Regards, Akbar
my friend,i want to buy ,and not work,why,because i have visa?
Sorry for the trouble Pandrea. If I get this right, you are trying to top-up Balance using PayPal credit card option? If yes, then I have noticed that certain Credit/Debit Cards don’t work on the PayPal (nothing on my end to control that). What have worked in past for some people is that you can link you card to the PayPal account, and first load Balance in your PayPal account using that card. The you can top-up balance on my website using that PayPal account balance. Hope that works.
PS. I have now also enabled support for crypto payments. So that’s also an option if you have access to crypto-currency.
Regards, Akbar
Is there an option to restore sessions when needed? I do download files when I translate them to Vietnamese but the next day when I upload it, the Vietnamese characters all returned errors (seems like an encoding problem for Vietnamese characters).
Thanks for reporting this issue. Yeah, there was definitely some encoding issues with the saved files. This issue is hopefully now fixed, and any downloaded files should now contain the correct text encoding.
Regards, Akbar