68 Responses

  1. yared

    good software

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  2. daniel

    Hello, Akbar.

    This program does exactly what I need and I would even buy it, however, in the three laptops I have downloaded it, the main screen opens once, I´m able to turn the write protection on, but then when I tried to reopen it to change this option it just won´t open. Tried deleting the file but the protection is still on.

    Could you please help me with this? I can´t open the program again.

    Thank you.

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    • admin


      Thanks for the nice feedback, and sorry for the problems. First of all, once the protection is enabled, it’s written into the registry file, and is thus enabled even if you delete the application. So, this explains one of the problem you are having.

      Now, the other issue, where you can’t see the dialog again, can you please check your Windows Notification area (where all other mini icons in the right side of task bar appears)? You can also toggle the various protections by right clicking as shown here:

      If still can’t figure this out, please let me know.

      Regards, Akbar

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  3. Benito

    Thanks a lot Akbar, this software is great!!!

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  4. Iyore

    Tried on windows7 64 bit, but not working. Is it support win7 64bit?

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    • admin

      Yes, I use this myself on 64-bit. Do you get any error when starting this up or it simply doesn’t load?

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. baptiste

    I have a problem with the software I run once and I block the usb ports we now cover but I can not restart I was trying to redownload but it still does not work and so I can not use a USB key , can you help me please ?

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    • admin

      I’m sorry for the trouble. If you run this tool, but can’t see this, can you please check your notification area as this is where it goes by default (if no window is displayed). If still can’t find this and need to enable this, you can try to edit the registry your self as explained here:

      But please be very careful when editing the registry, as incorrectly deleting any entry or messing it up may result in Windows booting to fail as well.

      Regards, Akbar

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  6. Faical

    Id it compatible mac osx

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  7. Cetnik

    THanks for your software!

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  8. Kirk Demaree

    Running Windows 8.1, downloaded and installed your USB Disk Manager. When I try to run the exe, no program interface appears, but the software has write protected all my USB ports, and now there is no way to enable the write function. Have tried running your program in several compatibility modes, same result, no visible program interface. Is there a way to restore USB functionality manually? What gives?

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    • admin


      When you run this software it appears in Windows Notification area. Double click the icon there, and you should see the options to enable or disable the features. If still run into any issues, please let me know.

      Regards, Akbar

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  9. arielkim

    your the man bro !!! thanks a lot 🙂 !!

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  10. shell

    my thesis on usb security. i couldnot find any result . please tell me about benificial web site …..

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    • admin


      Sorry, USB Security is not my speciality and I haven’t done any special research on this topic. May be someone else on the web can help you.

      Regards, Akbar

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  11. Great post!!! Your post will be really helpful for one to protect their host machines from USB virus which copy itself.

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  12. Wayne DuBose

    I successfully write protected my USB drive on my PC (was not able to copy to it or modify it), but when I plugged it into another computer, it was not write protected. Brought it back to my PC and it still shows that it is protected. Am I missing something?

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    • admin


      I think you are misunderstanding the tool feature, it doesn’t write protect your USB, but instead it changes your window setting so that it’s not able to write data on the USB disk i.e. once Write Protection is turned ON, all the USB devices you attach on your that computer will be write protected, but these USB devices itself are not write-protected and you can read and write them from other computers. I hope this makes sense.

      Regards, Akbar

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  13. Sua

    Hi, I have a question to ask. What if my friend uses this same program as me in his computer and will he able to turn off the write protection? If yes, this is not really safe. Sometimes, friendship couldn’t be trusted. I suggest maybe you can come out something like with code matching system. For example, once I run this program and activate my write protection, the program should insert some sort of code into my usb disk and my computer, so even though my friend installs this uses this program as me, but he will not be able to turn off the write protection in my usb disk since the code is not matching. I hope u understand what I mean. Thanks.

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    • admin


      That’s an interesting idea. However, the current design of the USB Disk Manager doesn’t actually allow you what you are looking for. It can protect current machine, but when someone else plus a USB Disk to his/her machine, it’s totally their responsibility to set the correct protection. However, your idea has some potential, and I will see if I can some how work on this option too.

      Regards, Akbar

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  14. James

    Perhaps you could add a feature to password protect this app. Meaning it cannot be disabled or turned off without a password. To Run and Exit, enter password! This can be optional.

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  15. Phill

    How do I get this to work. I downloaded it. Do you install it on your main pc? I have one seagate (powered drive) and one (1Tbyte) flash drive. I installed it on my main pc (which my drives are connected to) tried to disable editing or writing to the drives. Opended a word document on each drive and changed the content – saved it with no problems. Am I missing something here?

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  16. naseem

    I find this utility nice,, but when you disable usb you can not see/read the files in usb,, i want the files to read from usb,but prevent it from copying the usb files to computer.

    Any suggestion dear friend

    mail me to my email,,,…. thanks

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    • syedgakbar


      I think what you are looking for is the Execute Deny feature. This way you will be able to read the files and even write files to USB, but no application from the USB will be able to perform this operation. However, user can still do that, and I don’t see any harm in this, unless you want some security files on the USB which can’t be copied.

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  17. Robert

    It s real great stuff ! Congratulations. One suggestion: It would be great if I could protect the “USB Disk Manager” settings with a password for others (children, wife, etc.) using my computer not changing theses settings. Thank You.

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    • syedgakbar


      I’m glad that you find this utility useful. Regarding the Password feature request, few others have requested the same, and I may add this future soon. Unless, that’s done, one thing you can do is quit the application you have applied the required changes. The applied changes will be active, even when the application is not running, so you can run it only when need to update settings. I know, it’s not very convenient, but it should do the job until I can add this feature.

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  18. Neo

    I have one word for this app: Awesome

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