68 Responses

  1. JO

    I ran it on my computer and it worked fine UNTIL I tries to run it again to tur it off and it didn’t run. What do I have to do to get the protection turned OFF now?

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    • Akbar

      Hi Jo,

      If it’s not showing on the double click, there are good chances that it’s already running but minimized to the tray area (normally at the bottom-right corner). You can right click on that in the tray area to bring it back. I hope this helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  2. CK

    Is possible have a log in function, Those innocent user cannot unlock the UBS without IT help.

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    • admin

      Hmmm… I may not be able to support it in the near future, but there is a working around. The application doesn’t itself need to be running to enforce these rules. Once you apply the settings/permissions, these are persisted in Widnows Registery, so you can remove the app afterwards to still apply these rule for normal users.

      Regards, Akbar

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  3. Mohamed Chaari

    Thanks you so much.
    Good software.
    I want this software to be:
    1 – best known in the world,
    2 – translated into several languages
    3 – richer in options and features.
    You are doing a good job.

    | Reply
  4. Rascassse

    Is it possible to remove the writer protection ?

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    • admin

      Yes, it’s possible to remove write protection. Click “Turn off write protection” and hit the OK button. If you don’t immediate get the write access, try restarting your windows. I hope this helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. Mat

    Thanks for this excellent program. Is there the option to use it with command line parameters? It would be very useful.
    Thanks in advance
    Best regards

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    • admin

      Hi Mat, thanks for the feedback. No, it currently doesn’t support the command line parameters, but I will see if I can think about adding these if there is enough demand.

      Regards, Akbar

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  6. ramez

    did it work on usb with format ntfs and fat32 and exfat

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  7. BSKam

    Yes, you program works fine. Not only USB drives are locked, also SD-Cards are locked.
    Your program lacks a password to prevent tampering when the program is loaded at the taskbar.
    Also, may I know of your program will prevent writing by DVD/RWs to DVDs and CDs? We don’t want users to use the DVD/RW or CD/RW drives to write data to the DVDs and CDs.

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    • admin

      Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the password, this is a nice suggestion and will think about it. But in the mean time, you can also exit/remove the program after changing settings. These changes are applied to registry, so the program itself is not required to be running for these changes to take effect.

      Regarding preventing the DVD writing, sorry, this will only work with USB drives for now.

      Regards, Akbar

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      • Mike T

        Honestly, you shouldn’t need a password if you take the time to create yourself a user account in Windows so that the primary account you’re logged into is a user account and not an admin account. This way if you get hacked, they can only get the user account stuff and they won’t be able to change systemwide stuff unless they both know how and have time to hack through the user account to the admin account, which is time consuming and very difficult. For this software it would result in not needing a password for the app because you can run the app via your admin account and mark your devices as “trusted” in conjunction with the registry but anyone who logs into your physical computer won’t even see this software as an option to run or configure. I learned this account trick from a friend a while back and I feel waaaayyyy safer knowing they can’t gain access to the admin account if I’m only logged into my user account. Ya, if someone got all my user account data to ransom it back to me, I know the data doesn’t include the admin permissions and registry files, etc. Plus I can use a portable hard drive to transfer important files from the user account to the admin account so if they wipe the user account I can just create a new user account and transfer the files to the user account. I know that was too much information, but simply not using the admin account (install this software on the admin account) is the same effect as if the software allowed to 2FA or a password.

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        • admin

          Thanks Mike for sharing your suggestions. I agree, that’s one way to do this securely and safely.

          Regards, Akbar

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  8. David

    How to force a configuration in each reboot of the session on the system, if the user changes the options? Thanks a lot

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    • admin

      Since this modifies the windows registry, a clever user can always workaround this. But for normal user, one simple option is to install this application, change the setting and then remove it from the system.

      Regards, Akbar

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  9. Ali

    very thankssssss

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  10. Ahmed Shabaan

    this program perfect working

    | Reply
  11. Thanx for subtitle translate

    Very very thanku

    | Reply
  12. AHMED

    Removal USB Disk Manager

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  13. my samsung sd card corrected is not normal use

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    • admin

      I’m sorry, not sure I understand your issue. Do you want to say that SD Card is not mounting correctly after changing any of the USB settings? If yes, then try reverting the changed settings, and restart the Windows, and see if that works.

      Regards, Akbar

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  14. Peter Asp

    I am looking for a way to block execute on USB drives except for an EXE, I whitelist. An example would be the exe needed to setup a secure USB disk and prompt for the password. Do you know if this is possible? Thank you

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    • admin

      It’s not currently possible using this utility. This is kind of thing in my wish-list too and I would love to implement this one day, but can’t give you a time frame on this one.

      Regards, Akbar

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  15. Sandy

    Esse software é FREE para uso comercial?

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  16. ramezghali

    i close write protect option and any flash can not write on it .

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    • admin

      If write protection is still working even after you disable this, then try these two things:

      1. Try to un-plug and plug the USB, and see if this works.
      2. Restart your windows.

      If still doesn’t work, please let me know.

      Regards, Akbar

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  17. Sapiens

    Excellent software.Is the last version 0.l?

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  18. Roger Caron

    Hi, I have question about USB Disk Manager, I did install it on my PC with windows 10, it did not run well, but now I can not turn the protection on and off. Please can you help me? Is there an update version for windows 10, Thanks, Roger

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    • Akbar


      I use this on my Windows 10 64-bit without any issues. If you somehow turn OFF this permission, and now can’t turn me back, please let me know what protection (Read, Write or Execute) you disabled so that I can tell you the fix script to restore that permission.

      Regards, Akbar

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  19. Bent Jensen

    This translater is the perfect software and service. THANKS !

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