2,933 Responses

  1. Itzmecp

    Sir , Thankyou for translate application . So , how to get api accses in this website please ? . Thankyou

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, there is no API access at the moment. I will add this to my to-do list, but can’t commit any date/schedule for that.

      Regards, Akbar

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  2. Joh

    Hello Akbar! I haven’t been using your great site for a while. Getting back with a new project now, I just wanted to ask you about line breaks in subtitles: Do you know if the translators know to handle the ‘\N’ caracter, which indicates a line break? Or would it be better to upload the subtitle files without forced line breaks?
    Thank you very much!

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    • Akbar

      Hi Joh, welcome back! Yeah, it should be able to handle and preserve line spaces in most of the subtitle file formats. If you run into any issues or have further questions, happy to help you with these.

      Regards, Akbar

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  3. shafe

    very very good translator google translator use and is best and good for subtitles translation in different languages

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  4. Joe

    used open AI to translate, payed via PayPal. translation is okay so far, but the time stamps are ALL messed up! very disappointing, unusable. would be nice if you checked the functionality of the option, before installing a paywall. very disappointing.

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    • Akbar

      Sorry Joe for the bad experience. Unfortunately, the GPT-3.5 model sometimes clears the subtitles timing information during translation, thus making it very hard to recover these back. DeepL normally handles the translation lot better, so it’s good choice/alterantive – though expensive. My experience is that even Gemini models handle the timing and line-breaks better, so that could be another option. I normally always suggest people to make use of the “Free” mode to try the translation first and see which of the translator works best for them. So would be great if you give these another try

      PS. I have issued a full refund for your payment.

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. kaigreynat

    Please check my order, why is it not translated correctly, it takes me a lot of time to fix it

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble there. If you can either share the Order number or your user email, I can look into why those translation failed. Normally, it could be that certain language pairs and/or content some times trip the AI model. In most of the cases, either increasing or decreasing the “Temperature” parameter helps. But once I get hold of your order details, will share more appropriate workaround.

      Regards, Akbar

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  6. Pai Joh

    Hi, Akbar, good application. A suggestion though, what if you have a destination language when we upload our file. Thank you, take care.

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for the suggestion, though I’m not really sure I fully understand this. Do you suggest I should detect the target language from the filename or content somehow? Or you are talking about the source language here?

      Regards, Akbar

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  7. s

    Column ‘Family_Name’ cannot be null
    when login with google

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for reporting this to me. I think I have now isolated and fixed this issue. Please let me know if you run into any other issues during sign-up.

      Regards, Akbar

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  8. Shadi

    Hi Akbar, very good work you have for the subtitles section I really want to use the paid ones, but neither PayPal nor my credit card won’t allow to use my account to pay Is it possible I can transfer directly from my PayPal to you E-mail then you can charge my balance?

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble there. What I have seen works for other users in past is that if you try to pay using pre-loaded balance in PayPal i.e. instead of using credit-card or bank account, try paying using the pre-loaded balance in PayPal. So, I would suggest you to try that and see how it goes.

      Regards, Akbar

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  9. Georgi

    Hello is it possible to make the uploads to be more than 6?

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    • Akbar

      It currently support 20 files upload for parallel translation. And if you login (sign-up via Google), then it will allow you to upload and translate 100 files in parallel. I hope this helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  10. yosef

    ok good application th

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  11. Georgi

    Hello Akbar, is it possible to add an option to make your download with custom extention, for expample if i Upload Ripley_S1_E_1.srt and the outcome is RIpley_S1_E_1_Bulgarian.srt can you make it so when i export it my outcome will be shorted like Ripley_S1_E_1_BG.srt (short for bulgarian)?

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    • Akbar

      Yeah, I think it’s possible. It already works this way for most of the translators except for Google and recently Gemini, which use full language name and not the short code. I will look into fixing this soon.

      Regards, Akbar

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  12. YAfault

    Yandex has been working very poorly in batch mode lately. Interrupts the translation with a 50% translation and asks if everything is OK with the Internet. Although there is no reason for the breakage. After you continue the translation, he starts it again for some reason from the first file, although he will translate.

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The reason it breaks in the middle is mostly due to Yandex servers blocking some requests for short period of time to avoid excessive calls from a single location or misuse of their service. This one is not under my control, but I think I can improve the resume process for sure on failure. So, will work on the fix for that.

      Regards, Akbar

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  13. john


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  14. john

    very gooood

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  15. Maulana

    Could you help me check my Result #JAbYcbJ4CXXXXXX
    Several Word in Korean doesn’t translate to Indonesian, i think this is too much word that doesnt translate with the Correct language, i already pay for the cost of translate.

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    • Akbar

      Hi Maulana, these LLM based models (OpenAI, Gemini) can often get distracted during the task and it’s hard for these to be reliable. Especially for the language pairs where there is not the great deal of data. Probably best to use DeepL or Microsoft Azure for these type of languages.

      One thing I noticed is that you were using a large temperature value (of 0.5). I would suggest to use small value like either 0 or 0.1 and see if that helps improve the result?

      PS. I have issued a full refund for this failed translation.

      Regards, Akbar

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  16. kasra

    it’s good website thanks

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  17. CLINT

    Hi again, Can you explain me what is temperature, more in increase it more its should be close to reality?

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    • Akbar

      Temperature controls the creativity or randomness of the text being translated.For the translation tasks, I would normally suggest to use a value between 0 to 0.4, but there is not a hard and fast rule on which value works best. As it would vary a lot by the language pair as well as the content itself. If you are getting randomness where the translator seems to be skipping the subtitles rows translation partially or fully, probably it’s time to further reduce the temperature. Here is something I found on web which explains this in more detail:

      I hope this helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  18. Clint

    Hi, i have to Say translator with Gemini is game changer for increase what i do, but i have some issues with full translation files, some sentence are not translate and i have to pay several Time for try to fix that. Otherwhise its cheap so il glad to give you my money for youre help 😉

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    • Akbar

      Hi, thanks for sharing feedback and sorry for the trouble. For these new translators based on LLM, I would suggest to always select the correct source language for the translation. My experience is that these work best when they know the source language of the subtitles. Also, if you continue to have trouble, I would suggest to try tweaking the “Temperature” parameter in the configuration (the lower value normally brings in better result).

      If still continue to have trouble, please do get back to me and I will see what can be done on the server end to make it more reliable.

      To me overall user experience and satisfaction is much more important than money. And most of the money is normally forwarded to the corresponding API providers and is not my source of income anyway 🙂


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  19. cris pastrik

    mucgas gracias por este programa es de gran utilidad

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  20. Streyeve

    I get this error:Error: Invalid time format at line#: 2162; Line: –>
    I don’t even have that much lines.
    what can i do about it?

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    • Akbar

      This is normally the actual text file line, and not the subtitle row number. Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the subtitle file for further investigation?

      Regards, Akbar

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