2,933 Responses

  1. Pietro

    Hi, I mistakenly exited the page in which I was translating the subtitles. Is there no way to retrieve them?

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    • Akbar

      Unfortunately, no. For the tree translations, currently the changes are not saved if you exit/close the page. I plan to work on enhancement soon which will keep automatic backups even for the free mode.

      Regards, Akbar

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  2. thiagoarsantos

    Hi Akbar. I’m trying to process some .ass subtitles, and some lines the \N command disapear. So on watching, the subtitles get out of the screen. I tried with chatgpt mini and gemini,giving instructions and such, but both have the same problem. Can you help me?

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    • Akbar

      Hi Thiago,

      Thanks for trying these and sorry for the trouble. Unfortunately, these LLM modes (Chat-GPT or Gemini) are prune to get slightly off track and ignore some prompt instruction from time to time. I already internally include prompt to not remove (and retain) any line breaks, but as you can see, it sometime ignores these instruction when processing few subtitle blocks. The few workarounds I can think of is are:

      1) There are some online tools, which allows you to wrap the subtitles. There are pretty good chances that the video player you are using also has some settings to auto wrap the rows.
      2) Other option could be that you can first replace \N characters with some other markers like {br} in the source subtitle. Then add prompt instruction to retain this tag/marker, and after translation, replace this tag with \N. I know it’s not that smooth options, but may be good for some large translations.
      3) Also, do you know you can also manually edit and add any line breaks after translation is done? If you don’t have lot of line skipping instances, this might be the fastest fix going forward. You can read more about this here:

      I hope this help. Sorry for not providing a direct fix, and I will keep working on improving this process to get rid of any annoyances like this one.


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    Good job bro, thanks your tools

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  4. Kazuo

    Hi, Akbar. Please check my account. I processed 4 SRT files using OpenAI GPT-4o mini, and it translated 100% of the first file, but only 50% of the subsequent files. This is the first time I’ve encountered this issue. Thank you!

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Kazuo,

      Sorry for the trouble there. The LLM models sometime gets confused on particular content and may skip translations. If you run into this in future, please try with any other translator e.g. Gemini or DeepL and see how it goes.

      Note: I have initiated a full refund for these partial translations.

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. lou

    thank you for your tool sir

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  6. Niels Hoybye

    I have used the program for yers without problems. Now I can no longer upload .SRT Message: Subtitel file parsing failed with message: invalid time format at line#: 2; Line:

    Same problem with files that earlyer has passed

    Kind regards

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    • Akbar

      Hi Niels,

      Sorry for the trouble. I tweaked the SRT parser few days ago to handle some blank lines in between subtitles. It’s possible that I have broke the parser for some other patterns. Can you please share with me the subtitle file with which you are having trouble? If yes, please email that to [email protected].

      Regards, Akbar

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  7. Kazuo

    Can you add a feature to OpenAI GPT that translates based on my prompt?

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    • Akbar

      Thanks, but I think this one is already supported. You can enter your custom prompt/instruction by clicking the “Configure” icon next to the OpenAI Model selection dropdown, and then in expanded options click “Edit prompt extension” pencil icon. You can then typing in custom prompt in “Additional instructions or hits” in the prompt dialog.

      I hope this helps. If run into any issues or have further queries, please let me know.

      Regards, Akbar

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  8. Tor

    When translate with ChatGPT, can you add the From Language: Norwegian. If possible “norsk bokmål” and “norsk nynorsk”, the two official languages in Norway. Instead of the “Auto Detect” to specify the subtitles source language.
    Regards Tor

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  9. Andrzej

    Hello I have an issue with deepl translation, I believe it’s parsing the lines wrongly.

    Unfortunately, the translation process failed with the following error:
    Error: Invalid time format at line#: 1413; Line: –>
    I will be shortly looking into this. If this is a server problem, your money will be refunded in next 1-2 days. If it’s not, please contact me ASAP. In case of any further questions or queries, please feel free to contact me and mention your order#3UD30499XXXX.

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    • Akbar

      Ho Andrzej,

      Sorry for the trouble there. This has been reported by some others in past as well, but I’m never able to reproduce this issue. Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the subtitles file for debugging/isolation?

      Regards, Akbar

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  10. AHR

    Wow. Thank you bro

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  11. Yoosuf Ashker

    Hi Akbar Gemini Tamil language miss pls add

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    • Akbar

      Sure, I have now added the Tamil language in Gemini model as well. Please refresh or clear your browser cache to get the latest update.

      Regards, Akbar

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  12. Dimelza

    Hi, can I save my draft srt translations here. If yes, can you tell me how to do that

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    • Akbar

      You can’t save drafts on my website, but you can download draft by clicking the “In-progress” button at the top-right corner. It should download a file which is special format to let you resume editing. All you need to do is re-upload that saved file to continue editing from where you left last time. I hope this help.

      Regards, Akbar

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  13. Oliver Sánchez

    Hi I had an issue with a subtitle. it was moved some lines order#2lMXXXXX

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    • Akbar

      Hi Oliver,

      Sorry for the trouble. It’s a known issue with LLM models like GPT or Gemini. They sometime ignore the structure prompt and mix-up the lines. Though I have some workarounds in place to detect and auto fix these, it’s not 100% safe due to the context complexity. The only suggestion I have is to manually fix such instances. You can either shift the lines or re-translate a block of lines (free of charge) to fix these lines. More details can be found here:

      I hope this helps.
      Regards, Akbar

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  14. engram

    Hello Akbar, about the Thai error, i translated again and yes, it translates to another language when Thai is selected on Google Translate option.

    But the thing is, you know when we use the Google Translate option, a Translate bar appears on the top of the browser page. When i open the language selection menu on that bar(not on the website), there are 2 Thai language selections interestingly. There is a bug going on. There are 2 options and both are named Thai. Normally your tool uses the first one. When i select the second Thai option on the top bar, it translates to correct language.

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    • Akbar

      Interesting! Thanks for sharing these details. That bar is directly from the Google Widget, so most probably they have some kind of bug there. But what I find a bit odd is that I don’t see the double Thai language options in that Translate bar – I see only a single option. Would it be possible for you to send me a screenshot via email? I’m wondering if it is related to either Browser and/or Region. Any possibility to change one of these and see how it behaves?

      Regards, Akbar

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  15. engram

    Thai for Google Translate, does translation to wrong language. There is an issue. I double checked.

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    • Akbar

      That’s odd. I gave this a quick try and seems to be working for me i.e. it did translate to Thai language. Can you please check in any other browser or in Incognito mode – just to isolate any other extensions running in background? Also, can you please double check that Yandex translation is not enabled?

      Regards, Akbar

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  16. lamtran

    I deposited $5 with crypto. but it has not been added to your account

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the delay there. Crypto payments sometime take few minutes to an hour to settle. I see that balance was finally credited into your account. Please let me know if continue to have any issues.

      Regards, Akbar

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  17. Joseph

    You should add a section for a glossary for how you want specific words to be translated. I would use this more if there was that, as well as an option to put in context.

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for the feedback Joseph. Is this regarding Gemini or OpenAI translator? If yes, then this is already somewhat support for this. Basically, you can click on the Gear icon in the translator options and then click on the pencil icon in the Prompt Extension. This should let you specify synopsis or context, as well as, any additional instructions for the LLM models to fine tune translation. I hope this helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  18. marc

    please never delete this page!!!! I use it regularly to translate English into German. I use the SRT files as subtitles in films or series because my wife is deaf. In Germany, subtitles are a big problem for deaf people. We can’t even go to the cinema because there are no cinemas where films are shown. In a normal cinema, non-disabled people would freak out if they constantly had subtitles in the film. very very important this side for me. im greatful. can i donate few euro for this work?

    kind regards

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    • Akbar

      Hi Marc, thanks for your feedback and I’m glad that you and your wife are finding this utility of help.

      There is no short term plan to abandon this project, and will keep my best to keep this up and running 🙂

      Regards, Akbar

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  19. Fouad Aldehlawi

    In Subtitle translator page, The drop down list for yandex translation starts with language Polish onward. I guess this is a bug!
    I need to get to Arabic
    The + add language button is non functional

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for the feedback. I can’t seem to reproduce this in quick try, but my hunch is that this might be browser related? Are you trying to access this from a Mobile or small screen device? Is it possible to try with latest Chrome or Fixfox browser. If the problem persists, please let me know.

      Regards, Akbar

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