Akbar on Development
Attaining the Impossibles
  • All Projects
  • Jack Sparrow Compass
  • Subtitles Translator
  • USB Disk Manager
  • Swift MVC Framework
  • TaskbarExt
  • Quick Chess
  • Basecamp Extension
  • Language Tools
  • Rapid Downloader

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Feedback & Comments

319 Responses

  1. Raducu

    Hi akbar,
    Unfortunately, the translation process failed with the following error:
    Error: 429:Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota). File: —–.srt
    I will be shortly looking into this. If this is a server problem, your money will be refunded in next 1-2 days. If it’s not, please contact me ASAP. In case of any further questions or queries, please feel free to contact me and mention your order#2N4937XXXXX.

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble. Unfortunately, it’s a temporary error and you should be able to translate on the next try. I’m working on a fix, which should reduce/fix this quote issues. Hopefully will be ready in a day or two.

      Regards, Akbar

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  2. Raducu

    Hi Akbar, I tried to add credit to my account with multiple bank cards and it says my bank card was not accepted.
    How can I add credit to my account with a bank card.
    Specifically I tried multiple cards!

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Raducu,

      Sorry for the trouble and late response. I assume you were trying to top-up using PayPal. Please note that PayPal is very pick about few Credit Cards – at least on my website. I would suggest you to try to do this via Stripe and see if that helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  3. Pier

    Hi Akbar, i’m translating some subtitles from English to Italian and i’m getting this error (the tool was working fine a few days ago):

    Unfortunately, the translation process failed with the following error:
    Error: Translation doesn’t seem to be working correctly. Is the source and translation language pair valid and supported by OpenAI GPT? Or try changing translation mode to ‘Per-Line’ or ‘Auto-Line’. Please report this issue if you think it’s a server problem.

    I’ve tried “Auto-line” and the process was completed, however the translation was full of errors and i couldn’t use it. What should i do?

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Sorry for the late reply Pier. I have seen this type of issue on certain content in specific language pair where most of the time the problem lies in automatic splitting and merging of the translated lines. Would it be possible for you to share a copy of the source subtitle (or portion of it) so that I can investigate this further and see if there are any workarounds.

      If you were trying this using paid translation, the order number would be enough to get me going.


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  4. Johannes

    Hi Akbar, translating an Italian source file to German and English with OpenAI, I got the following error message: “Unfortunately, the translation process failed with the following error:
    Error: This content doesn’t comply with OpenAI’s usage policies and thus can’t be translated. Moderation Category: hate/threatening”

    Of course, the source file doesn’t contain any hate or threatening speech. There is also no problem translating it with Deepl or Gemini. Just OpenAI pulls this error message. Please, feel free to have a look at order #W3dA2uXcEw, gd5LlwmHHM4P, WRJgT9L76s. None of them were charged. Thanks!

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Thanks for getting back to me and sorry for the trouble there.

      Unfortunately, OpenAI is very picky about what content it process and sometime even a single word or sentence would trigger its moderation filtering. I think in this case, it’s tripping over the subtitle line#9 which is just a bit hard language/tone.

      It’s annoying for sure, but this not something under the direct developer control – you can’t bypass these moderation filters or risk being flagged by their system for violating their usage policieis.

      Gemini also has a moderation layer, but it’s far more lenient, and I don’t think DeepL performs any moderation at all (at least not officially). Which explains why you were able to translate using these tools. So I guess when you run into any moderation issues, the only workaround is to try other translators. I hope in the future they add improve their moderation policies to also take into account the context and type of dialog to make it better.

      Thank you for your understanding.

      Regards, Akbar

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      • Johannes

        Thank you very much for your feedback and considerations! Good to know about these restrictions in the case of OpenAI! I’ll stick to Gemini and Deepl in this case. I could try to eliminate the word that’s probably provoking the moderation, but I really do not have any hence which word or sentence it could be. Line #9 seems pretty normal to me, a sentence about “Kindergarden”… Anyway, thanks for your reply!

        | Reply
        • Akbar

          Hi Johannes,

          Sorry, I was wrong! Doing some more experimentation, it looks like it’s actually some content between line#19 to 25 which is triggering that moderation category. Though that said, I found that in this case it was actually tripping due to a new moderation category “hate/threatening” added recently by OpenAI, and which I was not fine tuning properly. I have now applied that filters and hopefully it will now let you translate using OpenAI as well.

          Thanks you for bringing this to my notice and for patience while I keep improving this tool.

          Regards, Akbar

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  5. Patrick

    I am having a similar problem to others. Using gemini, paragraph mode some lines are not translated and shifted. Looks like the model is still tripping some orienting paragraph info, order 7NjYPjuNkXXXX

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    • Akbar

      Hi Patrick,

      Thanks for reporting this back and sorry for the trouble. Yeah, sometime these models get a batch of the lines so wrong that it’s completely messed up. Unfortunately, there is not a simple workaround to avoid this as due to some inbuilt randomness in the model, it removes the line/row markers, thus making it very hard to restore the correct line/timings back.

      The only workaround/fix is to manually review the translation and then shift/re-translate line batches. You can read more about these here:

      Regards, Akbar

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  6. Johannes

    Hi Akbar! Translating from Italian to German with Deepl, I run into some issues: The translator doesn’t translate line per line when “paragraph” is selected in the configurations. Often, he translates several lines from Italian into one single in German. Consequently, leaves lines empty in the translated file. Neither does he keep the line breaks in every single line I checked this twice with the same source file and got the same results, see order #X3yFvDBbrXXXX and #pDcSnZ07XXXXX). Translating the same source file from Italian to English with Deepl, works just fine (#BbTX5aCFXXXX). Why does Deepl present this strange behaviour just with Italian to German, the “mother language” of Deepl?

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Johannes, thanks for trying these out and sharing the issue with some example – it was very helpful. Apparently, DeepL translator was skipping/ignoring the splitting tags which were in between a sentences when processing certain language pairs. I guess this problem started happening with the latest language model optimisations. Thanks to your good example, I’m able to further tweak the splitting logic on my end to improve the translation in the paragraph mode for DeepL translator. This now seems to be working reasonably well for me. Can you please give this another try when convenient?

      Regards, Akbar

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      • Johannes

        Hi Akbar! Thank you very much for your reply and your efforts to tackle it down.
        I checked it with the original Italian subtitle file and also with another one in Italian. Really, I think you solved the problem! It’s working perfectly now. If you’d like to have a look at this two last translation tasks, here are the order numbers:
        Again, thanks a lot. Really great work your site!
        Kind regards.

        | Reply
      • Johannes

        Akbar, I have to correct myself: Concerning the splitting logic in paragraph mode, it really seems to work well now (Italian to German), but Deepl apparently still ignores line breaks inside the paragraphs (if a subtitle have two lines). The line break tag \N get lost in the translation files in case of German. If translated Italian to English, it’s a bit better, but sometimes Deepl keeps the tag, sometimes only part of it (only the back slash \) and sometimes ignores it completely. Also hyphens are sometimes ignored (in case of dialogue). See line 74 in order #BbTX5aCXXXXX (this order contains two translation tasks, one to German and the other to English, see the English one).

        | Reply
        • Akbar

          Thanks Johannes! This is an interesting one. There are two problems here. First is that I’m not sure that “\N” for line-break is the standard SRT specification. I tried exploring various standards and extensions of the SRT format, and none clearly documents this line splitting behaviour:

          That said, if the DeepL doesn’t handle this line-break correctly, I’m not surprised. It can be only configured to ignore certain types of XML tags – but not any individual string or character patterns. So I’m out of luck there as well.

          However, I went with a intermediate workaround for now and that’s I’m replacing the \N with actual line-break character before translation. This seems to keep the DeepL translator happy and it brings in correct translation in most of the cases. The only concern I have is that it may cause problem for some other content which needs this \N character in place, but I guess I can see when that’s needed and then use any other encoding technique. For now this will at least get you some good results.

          Thanks again and as always if you run into any further issues, happy to help.

          Regards, Akbar

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          • Johannes

            Great, thanks a lot for your workaround! About the “\N” question: I do not know either what’s really the standard specification here, Aegisub is using this string for line breaks, other tools like Tero Subtitler or youtube do use some line break tag, but not visibly, so I do not know what’s the code behind of it to keep manually set line breaks in place. Meanwhile, I guess, for my purposes, concerning the Italian-German language pair, Gemini 1.5 Pro gives the best translation results in accuracy and also fidelity. It’s really amazing to see the level in which Gemini 1.5 is considering inherent context of the source text. GPT 4o seems to be on a similar level. If I would do an actual ranking list for myself, Deepl would get on the last place…

          • Akbar

            Thanks Johannes for the feedback and sharing your thoughts. Yeah, it’s amazing to see how the machine translation have evolved – especially since introduction of the large-language-models in the recent years. When I started working on this hobby projects nearly 10 years ago, the translation for most of the Asian language was really bad – it was mostly word-by-word translation, without keeping any context and/or language flow. And now we have come to a point where these machine translations are almost 80-90% accurate for most of the populate languages. And I can only see these improving insanely fast now. A bit scary, but this is an era of AI 🙂

            Regards, Akbar

  7. effi

    hello akbar,
    i am enjoying translating using your subtitle tool.
    a little problem though.
    i am translating english to hebrew. and the second line in the translation does is not so successful like the first one-Punctuation marks such as exclamation marks, periods and commas are not where they should be – from right to left, but appear in reverse from left to right.the first line is always ok!
    would love your help with this.
    thank you.

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Effi, thanks for the feedback. Regarding your issue, can you please confirm if the “Embed Language Bi-Directional codes” is turned ON you in the settings (upper right-corner of the web-page)? Also, I would suggest, if not already doing, is to change alignment of the translated subtitles to right. If still run into any issue, a 2-3 line samples of it would be helpful in isolating and fixing the problem properly.

      Regards, Akbar

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  8. majid pashayi

    hello mr Akbar
    Your work is great and it helps us a lot. I watch programming tutorials with the help of your site’s subtitle translation tool.
    And thank you very much
    But one thing that can help me a lot and maybe many others is the splte and unbreal tool for subtitles, we can determine the maximum number of words in a line and we can also make them one line with the unbreak tool, which we can do with subtitle edit. We do that, but our problem is that this tool is not a group

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Thanks Majid for your feedback and I’m glad you are finding this tool of help.

      Regarding your suggestion, definitely, these are great suggestions. I assume you want these to be define for a group and not apply manually for each file? I think there is value in both, so I will see if I can configure both one way or another.

      Regards, Akbar

      | Reply

    Hi akbar pls update open ai gpt in telugu language or update on gemini in telugu language

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    • Akbar

      Hi Rajesh,

      OpenAI seems to support the Telugu language fine, so I have added this. The current model of the Gemini doesn’t seem to translate correctly to the Telugu, so haven’t added it yet.

      Regards, Akbar

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  10. Przemek

    I made two payments and something is wrong. After payment, window of Bank Account desapeaers but nothing happened on main page wchich is still waiting to make payment… no AddBlock, latest Brave brovser

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble. I can’t seem to locate your payment and/or order details. Do you by any chance remember the order number? Or if you can share your PayPal user name, I can look through this in my system logs.

      Regards, Akbar

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  11. Sorin

    It seems PayPal is sabotaging you because all my 3 card where blocked and I can’t pay. I don’t know what the heck they are doing because this is not the first time.

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    • Akbar

      Hi Sorin,

      Thanks for getting back and sorry for the trouble there. Another payment system has been long in my wish/to-do list. But unfortunately, it’s not as simple and most of the payment solutions require business registration and other official docs. All making this hard to setup for a hobby project.

      If any of you have recommendation on some easy to integrate payment gateway, happy to take in suggestions.

      Regards, Akbar

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  12. Dave

    Hi Akbar,
    Paid twice and twice the translation has failed – you show the following message:
    “Unfortunately, the translation process failed with the following error:
    Error: In free mode, you can only translate up to 30 lines. Lines found:439
    I will be shortly looking into this. If this is a server problem, your money will be refunded in next 1-2 days. If it’s not, please contact me ASAP. In case of any further questions or queries, please feel free to contact me and mention your order#8YF41XXXXXXX.”

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Dave,

      Sorry for the problem there. Apparently, it looks like somehow it was mixing those free or demo modes with your paid translation. I see that you were ultimately able to translate this fine, so please let me know if you run into this issue again. I will also see if I can reproduce this issue to fix this properly.

      BTW, as you may have figured out, you are never charged for the failed translations.

      Regards, Akbar

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  13. Francesco

    Hi, I inserted an srt file in English for translation into Italian with gemini 1.0 pro. But, after paying €0.17 the translation went into error and didn’t translate. My order#5FH77XXXXXXX.
    This is not the first time this has happened and I ask you, this time, to refund me as I did not use the service.
    Thank in advance and Regards

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Francesco,

      Thank you for using the service and sorry for the trouble. Unfortunately, in this case, the translation was blocked by Gemini for undisclosed reason. Their server does this sometime when the content is not appropriate, it can’t handle translation or is unsafe. But they don’t disclose the reason, so I’m not sure what’s the best fix here.

      That said, you are never charged for the failed translations. So the amount should still be in your PayPal or Card. If this is incorrect, please let me know. You can also open dispute on the PayPal account for any invalid charges.

      Regards, Akbar

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  14. Hansen

    Please support Lightning Network (Bitcoin Layer 2) payments, it’s easy scan and pay and cheap from anywhere around the world. I hope you’ll take it into consideration. Btw, you make cool stuff, I use this all the time

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Thanks for the suggestion. I will explore this payment option and see what’s involved to support this payment system.

      Regards, Akbar

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  15. Richard

    Why do I have to have a family name on my google account.
    So far, none of the sites I’ve logged into with my google account have needed it.

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      I’m not really sure of any such explicit restriction. Is it that when you try to login via Google, it fails? If you get any particular error (from this site or Google), it would be great if you can share that for further analysis.

      Regards, Akbar

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  16. Dalieba

    Would you please add HTTPS support for Rapid Downloader? It failed to download when I attempt to download XnView MP.

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Interesting to hear a query on this project. It’s been so long that I worked on this project, but happy to fix any problems.

      If you can share the URL which you are trying to download, I can look further into this issue.

      Regards, Akbar

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  17. 郑强凯

    Would you please add AliPay, or Chinese people can’t translate by pay.

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