2,933 Responses

  1. Lauro

    Thanks a lot.

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  2. Zach

    It’s failed on two different files that I just tried, thankfully I wasn’t actually charged. Would it help to provide the error message? It’s fairly large

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    • Akbar

      Hi Zach,

      Sorry, looks like these were some temporary server response issues – mostly due to the server being too busy. I guess it’s probably time to upgrade the server machine to be more powerful to handle the growing user base. I will look what I can do here.

      And yes, you are only charged after a successful translation. So any server failures results in no charge.

      Thanks again for reporting this back to me.

      Regards, Akbar

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  3. Roman

    Hi Akbar,
    Is there any API integration to use this solution?

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  4. Larry D

    Please fix. Failing so often now. Running on a very good cpu + fibre internet

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble. What translator you are using and if you can share the exact error message, it would help me isolated and fix this properly.

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. majf

    Hello, thank you for your useful software

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  6. Arek

    I cannot pay during the paypal integration, none of my CCs are working. Can you check ?

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  7. Amedeo Scorcelletti

    Hello, I’ve tried using your software with DeepL APIs also specifying the original language (from English to Italian) and I ran into some issues: as you can see in translation no. Fe3F4kCweDEBD4b1jX2l it happens sometimes that some words or phrases are doubled within the subtitle, and sometimes even a sentence from the next subtitle is being copied in the previous subtitle (line 12 and 13 from translation no. Fe3F4kCweDEBD4b1jX2l). At line 67 however some words that weren’t there have been added to the translation (Instead of just “- Really?” it has become “- Really? It was an accident” in the translated text). Are you able to fix this?

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Thanks Amedeo for trying this service and sharing your feedback. While I can understand your frustration with the translation mix-up, but unfortunately there is not much I can do here. These translation are being passed in paragraph mode to the DeepL API, and it sometime mixes-up the context and lines. Which on my end becomes really hard to distinguish until I also built up some intelligent language model. I guess at the moment the best suggestion is to always review the translation and consider the machine translation as early and quick draft. Hopefully with the increased level of AI and machine learning we are getting very close to getting a perfect translation very soon.

      Regards, Akbar

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  8. Chote Bhim

    There’s no download button

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  9. Chamari niranjala

    Thank you very much, This is an advanced on-line service

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  10. Aviraaj

    Why doesn’t payment accepted from debit card of India. There’s any other option?

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    • Akbar

      Unfortunately, this is controlled by PayPal and the validation fails from some countries even before it reach my website. If you have a PayPal account, you can try to load balance first to your account and then use that pre-loaded balance to pay for the translation. Other option would be to use Crypto Currency for payments. More details here:

      Regards, Akbar

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  11. sergio338

    The translation only completed 90% of the work and reported that it has completed successfully, a review is needed.

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble. Is this for the Google translation and was the left-over text block at the end of the life? If I can get a reproducer for this, I can look into this urgently.

      Regards, Akbar

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  12. forart

    Nice, it would be great to be integrated with resync tool like subsync -> https://www.subsync.online/en/online.html

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    • Akbar

      Thanks! I guess you can still do this manually by first downloading the translated file and then re-uploading it to the above mention site for re-sync. But yeah, an automated integration would be nice. I will add this to wish-list for now.

      Regards, Akbar

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    Hi, the website is not working. I have tried a bunch of times…no matter if i click or drop the files. I have faced the same problem in early January. My email is [email protected], if you could please check it out and provide feedback. Thanks.

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    • Akbar

      Hi Paulo, sorry for the trouble. If you can be please a bit more specific on which part of the translator is not working, I can look into this promptly. Like is it the file upload doesn’t work, or the translation itself is not working? What translator you are using? The more details you can provide, better I can help.

      Regards, Akbar

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  14. enzo

    Error: insufficient_quota:You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/error-codes/api-errors.

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    • Akbar

      My sincere apologies for the trouble here. It looks like my OpenAI API account hit its monthly limit, and even though I have request OpenAI to increase that, it seems it’s taking some time to get that actually implemented. Hopefully this issue would auto resolve in next few hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.

      Regards, Akbar

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  15. Yo

    I have this problem in all webrowser in Ubuntu
    Failed to load all required files. please try re-loading the web-page.
    De ser posible no me gustaria volver a windows o tener que usar una computadora compartida.
    Saludos y gracias.

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    • Akbar

      Hi, this normally indicates a problem loading one or more additional resources. Can you please make sure if the Javascript is enabled in your browsers? Also, if fails on the first try, what if you try to reload the page again? Does that seem to work?

      Also, can you please try running in Incognito mode to see if that does the trick. Normally I recommend Firefox and/or Chrome browsers, but looks like you already tried that. What version of Ubuntu you are using?

      Regards, Akbar

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  16. Wera Wong

    Hi Akbar,
    Have already checked all the connections but still have the incomplete translations. Thanks.

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    • Akbar

      Hi, is this using Google Translator? If yes, would it be possible to share you subtitle file for further debugging? Also, can you please try Incognito mode with latest Chrome browser to make sure it’s not some extension which is blocking these requests.

      Regards, Akbar

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  17. Name

    While your site is continues t be the most reliable (not that I’ve executed exhaustive searches for others) the Google and Yandex options seem increasingly dysfunctional. I understand there are numerous factors at play and it may have nothing to do with anything on your end and may only be a temporary glitch but it does, for the moment at least, seem increasingly less reliable from not automatically translating the entire file (regardless of whether or not it says it does) to not translating the file as I subsequently scroll through it which always seemed to work in the past. Not a complaint, not a request, just letting you know for knowing sake.

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for the feedback and sharing details. These web based widgets are more like workarounds in forcing these web widgets to translate content with minimum user inconvenience – that’s not what these were designed for. So they continuously try to make it strict to avoid this type of use. That said, I was not able to reproduce this issue in quick try. If there is a particular file with which you are having trouble, I would appreciate if you can share that. Also, what browser you are using? Any latest version of Chrome or Firefox should hopefully do the trick.

      Regards, Akbar

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      • namelessed

        I use Safari probably because I have a number extensions active in Firefox which can impede ‘things.’ I don’t use Chrome.

        As I mentioned it’s probably nothing to with the file(s) and nothing to do with your site specifically and is simply hit or miss based on connectivity, the number of people using your site at any given time and the phase of the moon (it’s shrinking, you know).

        Today I clicked ‘translate’ over and over for the first couple files and then the last translated entirely in the first go but when I clicked download and got a network error message, which is new. However I was able to go back a page, the file was still translate and downloaded on the second try.

        From my experience Yandex seems more than reliable than Google and a quick comparison by a Vietnamese person suggests it translates from English to Vietnamese better. Google has some weird quirks and is inconsistent between typing into the app, using the camera on the app, using the mini translator that loads in Duck Duck Go search or the main page.

        Thanks again.

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        • Akbar

          Thanks for getting back to me. I will see if I can reproduce these in Safari. As you said, without a solid reproducer, it gets pretty hard to isolate and fix the problem. But now that I have more information, I will see if I can get lucky in isolating these problems.

          Yeah, I have been having some problem recently with my website hosting provider and the site is not as stable as I would wish it to be. I think it’s mostly just hitting its limit, and it’s probably time to purchase a more powerful server – which unfortunately is not that cheap. But I will try to get some savings out and will see if I can manage that in near future.

          Also, thanks for sharing your feedback on Yandex. Interesting info and I’m sure others users on my website will find this of help too.

          Regards, Akbar

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  18. Shantharam Bhat

    Hi Mr Akbar, Thank you very much for developing a wonderful app for translating subtitles. I have a collection of many good Persian language movies which I enjoy with the help of English subtitles provided with the films. However, I could not find English subtitles for a few of them. Some of them have subtitles in non-English languages. I tried translating one such subtitle from Persian to English with your app and the result is really amazing. Your service to the community of lovers of good movies is great. Thanks again.

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