2,933 Responses

  1. Rajesh Naidu

    bro pls update (Indian Currency) payment option or add indian Debit card option

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    • Akbar

      Sorry Rajesh! AT the moment the best option is to use Stripe. If it doesn’t support native currency, then I’m afraid it’s not going to be possible to support new payment model – at least in the near future. Supporting a payment model normally requires good investment and effort as requires taxation model approval, integration and management. Sorry for not being of much help and thank you for your understanding.

      Regards, Akbar

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  2. giovanni

    a real and fast tool

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  3. mustoz

    very well

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  4. Rajesh Naidu

    pls add telugu in gemini

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    • Akbar

      Sure, I have now added Telugu language in Gemini translator. Please force refresh or clear your browser cache to make sure you get the latest update.

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. R

    Hi, I paid for a chatGPT 4.o translation, but the program missed a bunch of lines. Is there anyway I can redo it?

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble Van. It’s rare, but sometime these LLM models do skip few lines. One way to avoid this is to make sure you select both source and target language before translation. In case few lines are still not translated or a block is translated badly, you can re-translate a lines block free of charge by following the steps mentioned in the following guide:

      PS. If you can please tell me you order number also, I’m happy to offer partial or full refund – depending on how bad the translation quality was.


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  6. Paola

    It worked! Thank you, Akbar.

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  7. Sophie

    I’m having trouble uploading an SRT file – no matter what I do, it keeps saying it’s an invalid file. It is in Russian, trying to translate to English.

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble Sophie. Any chance you could email me that subtitle file or point me to a URL from where I can download that subtitle file? Only a portion of that subtitle file (first 100 or so lines) would be enough to isolate and fix the problem.

      Regards, Akbar

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  8. Fajar

    Error login

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble Fajar. I’m looking into this one and will have update shortly once this issue is resolved.

      Regards, Akbar

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    • Akbar

      This issue should now be resolved and sign-in should be working as normal. Thank you all for your patience.

      Regards, Akbar

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  9. Badar

    Hello, I have completed some translations for which I need the invoice. I didn’t log in before doing the translations, so I don’t have the invoice in the user portal. Is there any solution?

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    • Akbar

      If you are using paid translation, you normally also get an email with the link to invoice and to download the subtitles file. If you can’t locate that email, please let me know either your PayPal email address (from which payment was made) and/or the name of the subtitle file so that I can locate the order. I can then send you that Invoice again.

      Regards, Akbar

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    • Akbar

      Actually, it looks like I was able to find some translations from your company email address. I have sent the invoices for these to your email. Please let me know if need anything else.

      Regards, Akbar

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  10. nhi

    how to save selected languages fhor the next translation

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    • Akbar

      It normally saves the language selection in your browser local storage for auto restore. What translator you are using?

      Regards, Akbar

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  11. Stonk

    Hi there, currently I’m trying to translate 123 files in total, the first 40 went fine but from that point onwards things started breaking. Translations getting stuck, errors, etc… Can you help me investigate?

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble Stonk! I’m more than happy to help. I have already replied you via your email query, but please let me know if run into any other issues.

      Regards, Akbar

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  12. Elwaza

    A question? When I pay for the “chatgpt translator” subscription, can the translation only be done once? Because I want to translate another file but it says I have to pay again😅😅😅😅😐

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    • Akbar

      Hi Elwaza, sorry, I don’t think I fully understand your question. Is it that you want to use your own OpenAI subscription account for these translations? If yes, sorry, this is not yet supported. But I will definitely think about it opening to users with their own subscriptions.

      However, if the query is that you want to pay (set a credit) once and then keep using it for any future translations. Yes, this one is already supported. Please check this article:

      Regards, Akbar

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  13. Stonk

    I just wanted to say, this was a godsend. I tried to set up a script to do auto-translate myself but I kept running into ratelimits. I didn’t want to bother with batch requests either, so this became the holy grail for me. Thank you so much!!

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  14. Jonek

    I paid for translation. The money was deducted from my account, but the system did not confirm the payment and the subtitles were not translated. What should I do?

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    • Akbar

      Hi Jonek,

      Sorry for the trouble there. You paid via PayPal? If you can provider either the PayPayl order, your email or the Full name – just something to identity the order/payment, I can look into what went wrong there.

      Don’t you worry at all. In case of any problems, you will either get full refund or your translation – whatever you prefer!

      Regards, Akbar

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  15. Matthias Müller

    Good morning Akbar
    Thank you very much for the detailed answer, which now explains a lot to me.
    First of all, I must emphasise that the translation quality of your website in general is simply brilliant (especially German and Portuguese for me). I’ve already tried a few tools, but none of these AI translation tools can hold a candle to you. As far as my problem with the time “shifts” that sometimes occur, it actually depends a lot on the type of srt subtitle. Most subtitles have no or hardly any disturbing “distortions”, only with a few subtitles this irregularity is stronger (with all the variants you suggested).
    For example: 2024-10-14 11:37:18; Order Balance_Translation JIt5Trx7buJXXXX
    But as you have already mentioned yourself: as a rule, the temporal “distortions” are hardly disturbing. Above all, I didn’t realise why these circumstances occurred in different translation lines for each new translation.
    Best regards and once again thank you very much

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    • Akbar

      Hi Matthias,

      Thanks for getting back to me and for you understanding. I’m glad that you are finding generally this tool of value and of help.

      Thanks for sharing the subtitle order with problem, with line numbering. I will definitely explore this and will see if I can somehow tweak the translation prompt and/or split/join algorithm to further improve this.

      As always, if run into any issues or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach me.

      Regards, Akbar

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  16. Matthias

    Hello, recently there have been increasing issues with timing irregularities in subtitle translations. This means that, without any specific logical pattern, the translated subtitles shift in time compared to the original, for example, by 3 seconds. And suddenly, after a certain amount of time, they shift back to the original. This “shifting” happens at irregular intervals. I have tried all options with ChatGPT and Gemini, and with all translations (from English to German), these irregularities occur, but they are always different with each new translation. This phenomenon has only started appearing about two weeks ago. I am stuck. Is there a solution or explanation for this?

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    • Akbar

      Hi Matthias,

      Thank you for reporting this back to me and sorry for the trouble. First of all if you can point me to one example file (order number, filename, etc) where you have noticed these issues, I would try to dig deeper and see if I can improve that particular csae.

      That said, this has always been problem with these LLM models for translation tasks. Which is worst in some files, while lot better in other. Here are few suggestions to improve this (you can see these by clicking on the Cog icon next to model selector dropdown):

      1) Try changing the Temperature to a lower value say 0 or 1.
      2) Try changing the Translation Model to Per-Line or Auto-Line to see if this improve results.

      If nothing works, you can also manually shift down/up problematic rows or re-translate these (free of cost). You can read more about this:

      I know its not ideal, but if only 5% of the translation goes bad, hopefully this is not super inconvenenice.

      FYI, the reason this happen is that for best translation quality (to maintain correct flow and context), before translating, I remove all the timing info and make it a single paragraph. Once the translation is done, it’s split back to original lines. To correctly split the content to original lines, I added a timing markers in between text. Sometime, these timing markers are removed by Gemini or OpenAI making it very hard to associate the translated lines back to original one. I do have some clever algorithm to detect and fix that as much as possible, but it’s not yet perfect. I keep trying to improve this one and will give this another look again.


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  17. Zach

    Hi, is it not possible to upload .sub files? It says it’s one of the supported formats but it fails to upload every time

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    • Akbar

      Hi Zach, the .SUB files are indeed supported. However, it’s possible that the file you are trying to upload is either damaged or I have a bug in my implementation of the SUB file parser where it’s rejecting an otherwise valid SUB file. Would it be possible for you to share the SUB file with which you are having trouble? So that I can isolate and fix this issue properly.

      Regards, Akbar

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      • Zach

        I’ll try and share it later when I get back to my computer. Is it possible you need a .idx file?

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        • Akbar

          No, just the plain .sub file should be enough to reproduce the issue.

          Regards, Akbar

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          • Zach

            I just realized what one issue might be. Is it possible to make the max file size any bigger? I’m trying to use .sub files extracted from DVDs but they seem to be all too big

          • Akbar

            If they are really big, these might not be actually the SUB text file, but rather some other format. There are few online tools to convert subtitles file from one text format to other e.g. SUB to SRT. Can you please try these tools and see if they convert your SUB file to any other compatible format?

            Regards, Akbar

  18. Alfredo

    I’ve always used this service with satisfaction, but since yesterday, after getting the correct translation, it seems I’m unable to get the .srt file. When i click on “Save as” I get this answer: “The file save operation failed to establish a connection to the Open and Save Panel service”.

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble Alfredo. I don’t think this error message is due to any of my server. Is it possible that you recently installed some browser extension (or a downloader) which is somehow causing this downloading to fail? Can you please try with any other recent browser like FireFox or Chrome? If the issue persist, I would also recommend running the website in Incognito mode as it normally disables most of the user extensions.

      If the issue persist, please let me know.

      Regards, Akbar

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  19. xander

    I found a translation page : https://neuralwriter.com/hu/translate-tool/en-hu/
    Is it possible to integrate in the dst ?

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    • Akbar

      Interesting and thanks for sharing with me. On a quick scan, it looks like they don’t offer an API service for their translation widget. Which is critical for smooth integration in my current website architecture. I will try reaching out to their support and see if they can provide some option to automate this. If there is way, I will try to integrate it soon.

      Regards, Akbar

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