2,828 Responses

  1. Wera Wong

    Hi Akbar,
    New problem. Google don’t traslate every lines on the originaltext. Thanks.

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble. Is this for any particular file or you experiencing this for all the files you tried recently? If you can send me a sample file with which you are having trouble, I can look into this promptly.

      Regards, Akbar

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  2. MURO

    Hello Akbar, I cannot upload money because Paypal is banned in Turkey. Is there another payment method for opengpt translation? Or if you introduce a new payment, I will have a lot of work to do regarding subtitle translation.

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  3. Kim

    Hi Akbar,this is kim from Malaysia. I would translate srt file to English version. However, I cannot top up with Paypal and credit card because Malaysia bank card are CSV. In the payment method of Paypal it still require debit/credit card even I have balance in it.

    Sorry that I dont have any crypto account. Is there way can I pay you or top up? Please advise. Thank you.

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble Kim! In this case, can you send me the payment via PayPal balance? If that works, I can share with you me PayPal Business Account name and you can transfer to that account. I will then manually top-up the balance in your account.

      Regards, Akbar

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  4. tuan

    Can’t translate it all, the old words are still there. The untranslatable text is then converted to English, wasting money just to receive an incomplete translation

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    • Akbar

      Sorry for the trouble there. In this case, looks like the translation failed because the content doesn’t comply with OpenAI policies. Please note that they have very strict requirement on what content can be translated using their services and any mature or violence content is not translated.

      However, if the translation fails due to any content policy violation or any other server error, you are never charged for the amount – which looks like the case here as well. You credit card was never charged the amount. I hope this clarifies the situation.

      Regards, Akbar

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  5. Luis

    Hi, I have a movie SRT format subtitle file in Hebrew I need translated to English. This file plays file in the MVP player displaying real Hebrew characters. I opened the .SRT file in Windows with Notepad and it does contain the expected timecodes and garbled characters such as these:
    00:00:25,207 –> 00:00:32,907
    äáéà åúé÷ï: îòøëú
    ñåðëøï ò”é âãòåï

    00:00:33,231 –> 00:00:36,910
    äéà îùàéøä ôéøåøé ìçí áîøôñú

    00:00:37,069 –> 00:00:40,950
    ëãé ìîùåê öéôåøéí åéåðéí

    NotePad shows in the bottom right, “Windows (CRLF) ANSI”. I have “Subtitle Edit version 4.0.1. So, I decided to open the file with it, and it displays actual Hebrew characters instead of the garbled characters shown above from NotePad. Also is states the encoding is “1255: Hebrew (Windows)”.

    I uploaded the file to your translator and 84 kb seemed to upload BUT NO CONTENT displays in your translator. I selected English output with the default Google translation. I processed for a second and said 100% done, success! But all I got was a file with timecodes and zero translation.

    So, in NotePad I did a “Save As” and changed the encoding from ANSI to UTF-8 and uploaded this to your translator. I played the movie in MVP player and the UTF-8 file shows the garbled characters instead of real Hebrew characters, but now your translator loads text into BOTH columns. They are basically the same garbled text NotePad displays, not real Hebrew characters. I selected English as output language with the default Google translator. No English preview showed. I hit translate and after a while it failed saying more than 50% could not be translated, to verify my output language was correct or etc. but no translation ever showed on screen. No file could be saved as the translation failed.

    Please, guide me how to successfully prepare (format and encoding etc.) the Hebrew input subtitle file to obtain an English subtitle.

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Luis,

      Thanks for providing detailed instruction and examples.

      From your description, it appears that the file encoding is Windows ANSI and it must be converted to UTF-8. Please note that I do have some basic encoding converter, but it doesn’t work very well with all encoding. A to-do item for myself.

      For the time being, you can either convert the file encoding to UTF-8 using either NotePad++ or from using some online tools like below:

      I hope this helps.


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  6. Alexandr

    Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your website is incredibly helpful, seriously. However, there are a few issues I encountered here. Translating using Yandex always fails 50%, and I’ve tried on different devices and browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera), but it still doesn’t work. I think there might be something wrong with Yandex. I hope you can resolve this issue. Thanks again for creating this website.

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi, thanks for trying this and sharing your feedback. I have noticed myself that sometime Yandex translator stops working and it’s mostly due to either the region limit or translation limit per page. If you are trying some large subtitle file, and it stops in the middle, it may be something beyond my control. But if you experience this on some small/short subtitle files too, then it may be a different problem. I was not able to reproducer either in my quick testing, so if you can share some more details and/or share the subtitle file with which you are having problem, I can look more into this.

      Regards, Akbar

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  7. deathlover

    merhaba toplu çevirmeleri zipli dosya olarak indirirken idm manager hata veriyor normal yol ilede indiremedim

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    • Akbar

      I will try reproducing this, but I would also suggest trying this with IDM extension disabled and see if that helps? If the problem persists, please try using any other latest browser and see if that helps.

      Regards, Akbar

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  8. Denis

    Hi. Is it possible in future versions to implement the option to be able to choose/define original language? For example if you have a original file in french, when translation to english, some words will be overlooked by the auto-detect language (like “hein”, “chapitre” etc)

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    • Akbar

      Yeah, I have experienced this myself. However, it’s not possible due to the way Google Translation website widget works. I will see if there is some easy workaround for this, but don’t expect some quick fix here.

      Regards, Akbar

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  9. The80sGuy

    First of all: GREAT WORK! Sorry the bad English. I use this site a lot of time, and there’s only “Portuguese” (this “Portuguese” in the list is Portuguese from Portugal). There’s some way you to put the “Brazilian Portuguese” also? Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese Brazilian have some similarities, but are completely different languages. They can’t understand us, and we can’t understand them in most times. One more time, THANKS for your cataclysmic contribution for the internet world.

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for the feedback and I’m glad you are finding the tool mostly of the help. I assume you are talking about the Google Translator? If yes, the languages choice list is coming from Google and it’s not in my control. Once Google Translation widget start supporting the Brazilian Portuguese, I will try to enable this ASAP.

      As you may already know, other translators like DeepL and OpenAI already support Brazilian Portuguese, but are unfortunately not free.

      Regards, Akbar

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  10. Esmaeel

    too many ads, but this is totally acceptable coz your website works perfectly. tnx mate

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    • Akbar

      Thanks! I will try to tweak my Adsense settings to minimise the Ads ratio. Or please feel free to use AdBlocker 🙂

      Regards, Akbar

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  11. amir

    Hi is there any way to save translated language list after closing website?

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  12. Daniel

    I would like to know if this service of translation can’t be without any ads.
    Simply no ads whatsoever
    Even if I have to pay for that service that’s fine too
    Is that possible
    thank you

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      One simple and popular workaround is to use any AdBlocker extension 🙂

      I have mainly put the Ads here to cover up some website running costs (related to hosting). But I can understand your frustration with these. Other option could be to register and top-up a more than $1 amount on my website, and that should also turn off the Ads:

      I probably need to think of some better subscription or user model, but this is what I have got right now.

      Regards, Akbar

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  13. Wera Wong

    Hello Akbar, Google often translated only 40 or 50% on the Subs. The connection’re okay. Thanks.

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for sending over the example file. Unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce the problem with the given file. Which makes me believe this is not related to the file content but is probably due to the Browser and/or Device where you are running this website. Can you please update me on which browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc) you are using? Also, are you running this website on which operating system (Windows, OS-X, Linux, etc)?

      Regards, Akbar

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  14. Rodrigo

    Excelente página, cada día mejor las traducciones, muchas gracias!

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    I love this link, very good 🙏
    Thank you so much

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  16. SMGB

    English to spanish.
    The last third of the text remains untranslated. Forever.
    No solution.
    But, thanks for your work.

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    • Akbar

      Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the trouble. Is this using Google Translator? If yes, what browser and/or device you are using? If I can get a reproducer steps, I will try to fix this at priority.

      Regards, Akbar

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  17. dave

    still problems translating from english to italian

    look italian translation from raw 248 to the end
    the tag are in the wrong rows…. you should add an option by default that remove the tags that seem to be usless, but selectable, maybe someone need them

    also main problmem is the te text is in the wrong rows

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Thanks Dave for reporting this issue back to me.

      ChatGPT model sometimes mess up the row marker/tags and even though I have put some recovery logic in place, sometimes it gets very hard to fix/align this properly. As long as the tags mismatch issue is concerned, if you don’t need to keep the tags, you can strip these off during translation by turning off “Keep HTML tags” check-box under the Save Setting (at top-right corner of the page). I know it’s a bit odd place place when it applies to both translation as well as file saving, but at least you can workaround this for now.

      For the lines mix-up issue, I would suggest trying some other Translation Modes like “Per-Line” and “Auto-Line” and see if some of these works better for you? Most of these modes control how the lines are split and joined back and the quality of it varies from file to file. So, you can give this a try and see what works best for you.

      Regards, Akbar

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  18. Tony

    Wow! what an excellent service
    I’ve been looking for a translation for a while for a .srt file
    My first time at trying and it worked OK
    Perhaps I might have to use it again
    WELL DONE, Keep up the excellent work

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  19. Mariam

    Hello Akbar, very well done, thank you for sharing this for free. Now I can watch some good movie which my husband wanted to share with me for a long long time.
    Best Regards,

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  20. jhoujhou

    Google and Yandex are not working!

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    • Akbar

      Just checked this quickly and seems to be working well for me. Can you please try with latest Chrome or Firefox browsers. If the problem persists, can you please share you Subtitle file for further debugging and isolation (contact details at the bottom of the page).

      Regards, Akbar

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  21. mehmet

    thank you

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  22. Karan

    Hi Akbar,
    I am from India and i am interested to use your service but i cant pay you as it shows that you are currently not accepting payments from India.
    your response is highly appreciated

    | Reply
    • Akbar

      Hi Karen,

      Sorry for the trouble there. I don’t have any such limitation on my end, so most probably PayPal is blocking your translation for some reason. You should probably check with PayPal support to see if you can resolve that issue. In the meantime, you can also try to explore Crypto-Currency payments on my website and see if that’s something you can use alternatively.

      Regards, Akbar

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  23. Milan

    Very good work. I would like to extend the service to docx or pdf translations. Also payment method via google pay or apple pay. Thanks again, good and professional work.

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    • Akbar

      Since this is for the translation of subtitles only (at the moment), I don’t see much point in supporting these document. Unless you think I should make this as a generic document translator tool. Which even though is a good idea, I think there are tools out there which does that. But I will dig around and see if there is indeed a market/potential for this. Thanks for sharing it 🙂

      Also, just an update, work is already in progress to support more payment types and options. Hopefully will support these in near future.

      Regards, Akbar

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  24. Wera Wong

    After a few times, the last try on google translate was at 53.21 of 1.51 hr. movie.So maybe the problem is at the orignal sub. Any way I would like to thank on your very well web that I’ve been using for quite some time.

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    • Akbar

      Appreciate the feedback. In case you have a solid reproducer of the issue, please do share and I will try my best to fix that promptly.

      Regards, Akbar

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  25. Matias

    Thanks for Keeping and maintaining such a usefull tool! amazing work!

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  26. Martina

    Hi, it is not downloading… How can I change the settings? for them to successfully download.

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    • Akbar

      You mean you don’t get anything when you click on the “Save-As” button? Have you looked at your browser configured “Download” folder and made sure the files are not already there?

      Regards, Akbar

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  27. karrjg

    September 25 (Intermittent Rows Fix) is not working. Text in the last time code sequence is NOT being translated and so it is missing in output file. Can give you my input vtt file for you to check out.

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    • admin

      Sorry for the trouble Karrjg. Yeah, sure. If you can please send me the copy of the SRT file you are trying to translate (email address at bottom of the web-page), I can look into this.

      Regards, Akbar

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    • wally_warthog

      @karrjg, I also get this issue a lot, where the last line of my vtt file is not translated. FIX: You need to go into your vtt files and add a line (press ENTER and the end of the file) and then it works.

      @admin, it’ll be great if you can write code so that the last line if all files is also included in the upload.


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      • admin

        Hi Wally,

        Ah, nice spot. There was definitely an issue in the subtitle content parsing there. The good news is that it’s now fixed, and hopefully you will get the full translation all the time.

        Regards, Akbar

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        • wally_warthog

          Awesome @admin, thank you. It’s working now. Pretty impressive that you responded so quickly.

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          • Akbar

            Glad to hear that it’s now working fine for you. In fact, thank you for pointing and helping me isolate the issue. It’s the due to the users like you who have helped me in making this tool better along all these years 🙂

            Regards, Akbar

  28. mammad

    goood suit

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